Real Estate Appraisal

Real Estate Appraisal

The Real Estate Appraisal Department of the Assessor’s Office is responsible for determining the valuation for residential Building Permits. This division receives all inquiries from internal and external entities and maintains the data in both office programs.

Our responsibilities and duties include:

  • Picking up and valuing new residential construction within Santa Fe County through our Building Permits process.
  • Receiving annual CAB reports from the New Mexico Property Tax Division for Centrally Assessed property and entering the reported values into our Ascend program to generate a Centrally Assessed Notice of Value. There are 206 Centrally Assessed parcels in Santa Fe County.
  • Reviewing all sales affidavits each year, to better determine a fair value for other properties and to assist our office C.A.M.A. Specialist in collecting data to assist our Residential and Commercial appraisers in determining a fair market value.
  • Facilitating the process for property owners claiming a Non-Governmental Exempt status.
  • Validating values for new parcels, sales, additions, new construction, and existing residences all while respecting the laws and regulations of the State of New Mexico.
  • Reviewing lot splits and merges and valuing them appropriately for the subsequent tax year.

County Assessor Isaiah Romero values your feedback. Please consider sharing with him your experiences with the Real Estate Appraisal Division.

Our Real Estate Appraisal Team

Jessica Ulibarri
Jessica Ulibarri
Real Estate Appraiser Chief
NM Certified Appraiser
Eric Clokey
Eric Clokey
Appraiser Senior
NM Certified Appraiser
Matthew Lobato
Matthew Lobato
Appraiser Senior
NM Certified Appraiser
Chris Oakeley
Chris Oakeley
NM Certified Appraiser
Gerald Vigil
Gerald Vigil
NM Certified Appraiser
Ron Bransford
Ron Bransford
Eric Lucero
Eric Lucero
NM Certified Appraiser
Bryan Mendoza
Bryan Mendoza
Appraiser Trainee

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