News and Articles


BCC Meeting Results

BCC Regular Meeting ResultsApril 29, 2008- 10:00 a.m.DOWNLOAD FULL MEETING RESULTS DOCUMENT


Commission Chairman Recommends County Pull Out Of RTD

Santa Fe County Board of County Commissioners Chairman Jack Sullivan is recommending that Santa Fe County pull out of the Regional Transit District.  Commissioner Sullivan’s reasons are


Site Clearing Begins: Preparations For New Courthouse Commence

Beginning this week, crews will begin clearing out the building site at the corner of Montezuma St. and Sandoval St. as preparations for construction of the Steve Herrera Judicial Complexcommence.


Annual Report: County Manager Submits 2007 Annual Performance Report to Commissioners

To: County Commissioners  Harry Montoya, Virginia Vigil, Mike Anaya, Paul Campos, and Jack Sullivan;The word “report” is a derivative of the Latin reportare, from re- + portare


Public Meetings Being Held to Discuss Pojoaque Wastewater Project

On April 30th, Santa Fe County, the Pueblo of Pojoaque, and the Española Basin Regional Planning Issues Forum invites the community to a public meeting at the Pablo Roybal Elementary School


County Offices Moving: Human Resources Relocate

On Wednesday, April 22nd, the Santa Fe County Human Resources office will open for business in their new location at 949 W. Alameda in the Solana Shopping Center.  The current office will remain


Conserve, Preserve, Sustain: Feds Award County Water Conservation Program $60,000

The Santa Fe County Water Conservation Program has been awarded a $60,000 grant from the United States Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Reclamation (BoR).  Of the award, $50,000


Santa Fe County Clerk Appointed to the New Mexico Animal Sheltering Services Board; Elected Chair

Santa Fe County Clerk, Valerie Espinoza, has been appointed to the New Mexico Animal Sheltering Services Board by Governor Bill Richardson.  Ms. Espinoza was immediately elected Chair.  The


BCC Wrap Up - 3.25.08

Santa Fe County Board of County Commissioners MeetingMarch 25, 2008Brief SummaryCounty Wins Award From Economic Development Department– Santa Fe County was awarded recertification from the New


Let the Sun Shine In: County Unveils New Transparency Plan

Commissioner, County Manager Participate in League of Women Voters ‘Sunshine’ ForumIn celebration of Sunshine Week and, in part, because of the efforts of the League of Women Voters to