Community Services Department Operational RequestsIncreasing Health and Social Services Support for Vulnerable Populations

Senior Services
These funds would be applied to the County’s Senior Services programs to help increase food security and nutrition, increase access to wellness opportunities within rural regions, and increase transportation services for County seniors.  
Crisis Services
These funds would be applied to Community Providers of Crisis Services within the CONNECT Network for use as “flex funds” so they may make and take immediate, situation-specific actions to help a vulnerable person in need rather than be boxed in by pre-determined restrictive funding uses.  
Diversion Services 
These funds would be applied to the County’s Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion Program, known as engage, to help sustain and expand the provision of intensive mobile case management for those with substance use and/or mental health challenges who are also justice-involved
Assisted Outpatient Treatment Pilot Collaborative Within First Judicial
Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) is a civil court tool that court-orders eligible adults with serious mental illness (SMI) to community-based mental health services. These funds would be applied to cover the County’s costs of AOT petitions initiated by the County’s Adult Detention Facility, which will be a primary source for AOT-eligible individuals, in addition to training over 250 navigators within the CONNECT Network and assisting the community outreach about the program.