Santa Fe County has maintenance responsibilities for approximately 557.16 miles of road, of that approximately 303.55 miles of road require periodic grading.
The Road Maintenance Division is comprised of 36 staff positions. The staffing consists of five crews assigned to respective areas with an additional support crew who responds to any district as needed. The staff in each district provides for all aspects of maintenance including grading, roadside mowing, drainage structures, pothole repair and snow removal.
Snow Removal Operations
Snow removal is handled by six teams consisting of 38 staff members rotating 8 hr shifts with snow removal operations lasting as long as necessary. The snow removal begins with the priority one roads, the high volume traffic roads, then filters down to priority two and local roads.
The Board of County Commissioners established the Road Advisory Committee through Resolution 2011-52.
Contact Us
Open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., closed for holidays.
Santa Fe County Public Works
424 NM Highway 599
P.O. Box 276
Santa Fe, NM 87504-0276
Phone: (505) 986-6219 Fax: (505) 992-3028