Santa Fe County Senior Services /  Centers



We will keep you updated as we retrieve new information.

Main Office: 505-992-3069

Transportation Scheduling, Home Delivered Meal Cancellations & General Information 505-992-3069

The Santa Fe County Senior Services program is proud to redefine the 60+ community and the senior center experience. Our senior centers are fun, inviting, and full of life! We are honored to provide many exciting opportunities for individuals aged 60 or older. We offer classes and experiences in arts & creativity, learning, socialization, and many health and wellness classes to help improve strength, balance, mobility, and mental health. Some classes include yoga, stretch & movement, strength training, tai chi & qi gong, beading, weaving, tin work, line dancing, ceramics, painting, monthly day trips, and more. Please get in touch with our Activities Coordinators for more information on what your local senior center can offer you. We are eager to welcome you with open arms and look forward to serving you!


Josie Atilano is Recognized by the Board of County Commissioners!

Josie Atilano is the Activity Coordinator for the County's Santa Cruz Senior Center, and she has been serving area Seniors for almost 30 years.

In August of 2023, the Non-Metro New Mexico Area Agency on Aging (AAA) launched a Senior Home Repair Program targeting at-risk rural Seniors through its parent organization, the North Central New Mexico Economic Development District (NCNMEDD). In order for this program to be successful in helping vulnerable Seniors, AAA relies heavily upon the expertise and efforts of the County's Senior Services staff.

At the end of last year, the Community Services Department received a formal document from AAA's Housing Coordinator, Sandra Sosa, titled "A Year of Change: How Josie Atilano Transformed Our Senior Home Repair Program," which went on to reflect the deep dedication and clear commitment Josie has as both an advocate for Seniors and as an ambassador for Santa Fe County. Here are just a few excerpts from that document:

"Josie became a passionate advocate, sharing program information with Seniors in Santa Cruz...With Josie's trusted presence by our side, we were able to address their concerns....Her endorsement was critical in building trust....Through this program, we've completed numerous life-changing repairs....(and) the impact has been profound....None of this would have been possible without Josie Atilano and the staff at the Santa Cruz Senior Center."

For her incredible efforts and excellent service to Seniors, Josie received a surprise recognition by the Board of County Commissioners and her beloved family was there to join in on the fun as she received unexpected yet so very well deserved acclaim! Shown here are a few photos from the event.

Event Photo 1
Event Photo 2
Event Photo 3

Eligibility Requirements

To be registered and participate in services, individuals must meet the following criteria:

  • Santa Fe County resident aged 60 or older or the legal spouse of an eligible, registered participant who resides at the same address.
  • Participate in a simple registration process that includes a non-invasive standardized health assessment that helps to determine needs.
  • Home-delivered meals are an option for participants unable to leave their homes or are otherwise without someone to prepare a meal and/or unable to purchase a meal either permanently or temporarily (surgical recovery, medical recovery, etc.)
  • Transportation services are an option for participants unable to drive or purchase a ride to get to medical appointments.

For more information, please call our main office at 505-992-3069

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How To Register for Services

Individuals 60 years of age or older or otherwise eligible for services are welcome to participate in Santa Fe County Senior Services congregate or home-delivered meal and transportation programs. For every eligible individual who registers with our program, we can secure funding that allows us to continue providing our 60+ community with these essential services. Registration is free and is conducted at each respective senior center or in the home if the Senior is homebound. A qualified staff member will assist in filling out a confidential form which includes basic personal information such as name, date of birth, last four digits of your social security number, address, phone number, emergency contact information, and a brief standardized health assessment to ensure that we are servicing you to the best of our abilities.

If you want to register, renew your registration, or update or change your status or information, please get in touch with the activities coordinator at your senior center or our main office at 505-992-3069.

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Meal Services

Congregate Meals (Lunch Service at the Senior Centers)

Individuals aged 60 years or older are welcome to join us at any of our Senior Centers for lunch. Lunch is served in a congregate setting between 11:30 am and 1:00 pm, Monday through Friday. There is a suggested – but not required -- donation of $1.50 for eligible Seniors. Those under the age of 60 are welcome to join us at the cost of $7.50 per meal.

Home Delivered Meals (Lunch Service Delivered to the Home)

Santa Fe County Senior Services proudly delivers meals to qualifying homebound Seniors. Individuals must be 60+ years of age, homebound, and without an alternate source of nutrition or meal preparation. There is a suggested donation of $1.50 per meal. Individuals who meet these qualifications and are interested in receiving home-delivered meals should call our main office at 505-992-3069.

*Please note that the El Rancho senior center is only open on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, and does not serve lunch on the days they are not regularly open.

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Transportation Services

Santa Fe County Senior Services provides a safe, reliable, and affordable door-to-door transportation option to all eligible Seniors who reside outside Santa Fe City limits but within Santa Fe County boundaries. Our friendly and qualified drivers provide transportation for medical appointments, grocery shopping, and pharmacies for prescription pickup. Transportation hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 am-3:30 pm, and please note that medical appointments take priority over all other appointments. 

Transportation reservations must be made by phone at least 3-5 days in advance. Those needing transportation assistance must participate in a simple registration process and be prepared to provide the dispatcher with their location, destination, designated time of appointment/pickup, and current contact number.

Eligible individuals are suggested to donate $1.00 per ride. Punch cards are available in increments of 12 ($10) or 24 ($20) rides. All pickups and drop-offs must be scheduled to ensure we make all appointments on time. Because of this, we are unable to offer last-minute stops on the way to your destination.

Our skilled drivers are happy to help riders get in and out of the vehicle and assist them in getting to their destination safely and comfortably. (Please note, however, that our drivers are not able to stay with riders during their appointments or speak with healthcare providers on their behalf.) Handicap-accessible transportation units are available upon request, regardless of mobility restrictions.

For additional information, or to schedule an appointment for transportation, please call our main office at 505-992-3069. 

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Additional Assistance Via CONNECT

If you are in need of food, housing, transportation, in-home assistance, chore services, or related assistance, please fill out the CONNECT assistance inquiry form found here to be connected to a Navigator who can help you find services and resources within the community

For more information, please contact:

Ian Donnelley, CONNECT Navigator
Santa Fe County Community Services Department

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Senior Advisory Board

The Senior Services Advisory Board is a wonderful way for Seniors to ensure an active voice in helping to shape services provided to Seniors within Santa Fe County. The Senior Services Advisory Board makes recommendations and suggestions, articulates needs, and presents ideas and solutions to help advance area resources for Santa Fe County Seniors. If you are interested in serving or learning more, please get in touch with your local Senior Center at the numbers listed below or our main office at 505-992-3069.

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Senior Center Directory & Hours Of Operation

Abedon Lopez Senior Center (Santa Cruz): CLOSED
Activities Coordinator: Josie Atilano
155A Camino De Quintana
Santa Cruz, NM, 87567

Bennie J Chavez Senior Center (Chimayo): 9am-3pm, Monday thru Friday
Activities Coordinator: Jonathan Pacheco
354 Juan Medina Rd
Chimayo, NM, 87522

Edgewood Senior Center: 9am-3pm, Monday thru Friday
Activities Coordinator: Aaron Price
114 Quail Trail
Edgewood, NM, 87015

El Rancho Senior Center: 9am-3pm Monday thru Friday
Activities Coordinator: Josie Atilano
394 County Road 84
Santa Fe, NM, 87506

Ken & Patty Adam Senior Center (Eldorado): 9am –3pm, Monday thru Friday
Activities Coordinator: Lula M. Yount
16 Avenida Torreon
Santa Fe, NM, 87508

Rufina Meal Site (Santa Fe): 11:30am-1pm, Monday thru Friday
Activities Coordinator: Amy Sandoval
2323 Casa Rufina RoadSanta Fe, NM, 87507

Lunch is served from 11:30am-1:00pm at all Santa Fe County Senior Centers during their days of operation.

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Santa Fe County Senior Services Staff Directory:

Main Office: 4250 Airport Rd, Santa Fe, NM, 87507, Ph# 505-992-3069

Transportation Scheduling, Home Delivered Meal Cancellations & General Information: Ph# 505-992-3069

Program Director: Matilda (Mattie) Byers—505-992-9840
Program Manager: Francisca (Kika) Ortiz—505-992-9853
Program Administrator: Gina Montoya-Saiz—505-992-9876
Transportation Dispatcher: Rosalie Vigil—505-992-3069
CONNECT Navigator: Ian Donelley— 505-986-6239
Nutrition Coordinator: James Martinez—505-995-2745
Transportation Coordinator: Christopher Browning—505-992-3040
Activities Program Coordinator (Chimayo): Jonathan Pacheco—505-351-4686
Activities Program Coordinator (Edgewood): Aaron Price—505-281-2515
Activities Program Coordinator (Eldorado): Lula M. Yount—505-466-1039
Activities Program Coordinator (El Rancho & Rufina Meal Site): Amy Sandoval—505-455-2195
Activities Program Coordinator (Santa Cruz): Josie Atilano—505-753-8598

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More Information & Helpful Links for Older Adults

  • Menus
  • Activities Calendars
  • Senior Services Strategic Plan
  • CONNECT Program and Resource Directory
  • Santa Fe County Community Services Department
  • Santa Fe County Fire Department
  • Santa Fe County Housing Authority
  • New Mexico Non Metro Area Agency On Aging
  • State of New Mexico’s Aging & Long Term Services Department
  • State of New Mexico’s Human Services Department
  • State of New Mexico’s Department of Health
  • ECHO Commodities Program (“Free Food for Seniors”)
  • The Food Depot

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