In Person Attendance: Important information

Before you submit please read this important information! 

The meeting, which will be held virtually via WebEx and in-person, will begin at 2 p.m. Members of the public  participating in person in Commission Chambers, 102 Grant Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87501, will be required to comply with Santa Fe County policies concerning visitor screening and the wearing of cloth face coverings in effect on the day of the meeting.

Public comment may be limited to 3 minutes at the Chair’s discretion.

Matters of Public Concern is not a conversational item. Your comments will be heard by the Board and included in the meeting’s minutes; however, the Board and Santa Fe County leadership may not respond directly to your comment during the meeting.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Virtual Attendance: Important information

Before you pre-register please read this important information! 

The meeting, which will be held virtually via WebEx and in-person, will begin at 2 p.m.

Here are some important steps to follow on the day of the meeting:

Login to the BCC Meeting at this link. Upon clicking this link, WebEx will ask you to download their software, however you can join without downloading by clicking the link “join in browser.” Once connected by web browser, connect to audio and ensure the microphone on your computer is on. Please remain muted until called upon by the Chair.

You also have the option of calling in using the following phone number and access code:

Phone: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 2486 022 3586

If you choose to join by phone, please remain muted until called upon by the Chair – you can hit *6 to unmute.

Last important notes: Public comment may be limited to 3 minutes at the Chair’s discretion.

Matters of Public Concern is not a conversational item. Your comments will be heard by the Board and included in the meeting’s minutes; however, the Board and Santa Fe County leadership may not respond directly to your comment during the meeting.

We look forward to hearing from you.