Resolution No. 2024-032, A Resolution Establishing the Behavioral Health Leadership Council
The Behavioral Health Leadership Council is an advisory group focused on improving behavioral health services for the residents of Santa Fe County.
Regular meetings of the Behavioral Health Leadership Council are held from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on the second Thursday of every other month. Meetings are held in the Plaza Conference Room, second floor of the County Administration Building, 240 Grant Ave., Santa Fe, and virtually. For the complete list of Behavioral Health Leadership Council meetings scheduled for the current calendar year, click here.
Santa Fe County's Community Services Department strives to make its BHLC meetings accessible to the public through alternatives to in-person attendance, such as virtual meeting platforms. However, the availability of those alternatives is not guaranteed due to internet and other service disruptions and equipment failures, and duly noticed meetings may be held notwithstanding that those alternatives are unexpectedly unavailable. Members of the public assume the risk that they may be unable to watch or participate in BHLC meetings through such alternatives. Subject to the above disclaimer, Santa Fe County intends to allow the public to listen and participate in BHLC meetings virtually.
BHLC 2025 Notice of Meetings
For a complete list of meeting documents (agendas, packet materials, and minutes), view the information below or visit the County's Calendar of Events.
2025 Meeting Documents
These are currently no meeting documents for 2025