The Buckman Direct Diversion Board (BDD) oversees the BDD Project inclusive of establishing the terms and conditions governing the ownership, planning, procurement, financing, permitting, design, construction, operations, allocation of capacity and management of the facility and project. The Board operates under a Joint Powers of Agreement between the City and County of Santa Fe, and manages the water rights portfolios for the County, City, and the Las Campanas neighboring community that are diverted out of the Rio Grande. The Board is made up of 2 County Commissioners, 2 City of Santa Fe Councilors, an At-Large Citizen member and an Alternate Citizen member, plus 2 representatives from the Las Campanas Community.

Commission Representation

Justin S. Greene
Commissioner Hank Hughes
Adam Fulton Johnson(Alternate) 

Buckman Direct Diversion Meeting Information

Regular meetings of the Buckman Direct Diversion Board are held at 4:00 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month. Meetings are held at City Hall, Council Chambers, 200 Lincoln Avenue, Santa Fe. For a complete list of meeting documents (agendas, packet materials, and minutes), please visit the Buckman Direct Diversion website

Buckman Direct Diversion Board Staff Liaisons

BDD Administrative Manager
Jamie-Rae Diaz

BDD Facilities Manager
Rick Carpenter

Event Calendar