Resolution: 2012-146

Resolution Amending Investment Policy And Establishing The Santa Fe County Investment Committee Amending The Santa Fe County Investment Policy And Establishing The Santa Fe County Investment Committee Providing Rules and Policies

The Santa Fe County Investment Committee provides ongoing oversight of the County’s investments and makes recommendations as to adjustments that can be made to the Treasurer’s investment strategy to maximize income earned on County money while ensuring that the County has sufficient funds to meet its financial obligations as they come due. View Santa Fe County's Investment Policy

The Investment Committee is made up of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Santa Fe County Board of County Commissioners (BCC), the Santa Fe County Treasurer (or designee); the County Manager (or designee); the Finance Director (or designee); the County Attorney (or designee), and a non-County employee nominated by the Treasurer and appointed by the Investment Committee. 

Commission Representation

Commissioner Camilla Bustamante 
Commissioner Lisa Cacari Stone
Commissioner Justin S. Greene (Alternate)
Commissioner Adam Fulton Johnson (Alternate)

Event Calendar

2025 Investment Committee (ICM) Meeting Documents

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