Santa Fe County Reform and Transparency Measures
- Approved County Health Care Assistance Claims for $215,529.87
- Appointment of County Commissioners to the boards or committees of the following entities: Buckman Direct Diversion, Santa Fe Metropolitan Planning Organization, North Central New Mexico Economic Development District, North Central Regional Transit District, Regional Coalition for LANL Communities, Santa Fe Solid Waste Management Agency, New Mexico Association of Counties Multiline Pool and Workers Compensation Pool, and the Estancia Valley Economic Development Association
- Resolution No. 2016 – 6, a resolution adopting 2016 Schedule of New Water Deliveries for the first six months of 2016 and setting aside additional water for certain planned subdivisions...Approved the audited comprehensive annual financial report for FY 2015
- Ordinance No. 2016 – 1, an ordinance amending the dedication of the third one-eighth increment of the County Gross Receipts Tax imposed by Ordinance No. 1987 – 6
- Approved the collective bargaining agreement between Santa Fe County and the New Mexico Coalition of Public Safety Officers Santa Fe County Sheriffs Association NMCPSO-SFCDSA
Resolution 2016-27, Amends the Santa Fe County Road Map and Certifies a Report of the Public Roads Maintained by Santa Fe County.
Resolution No. 2016-28, A Budget Increase to the General Fund (101), Lodger’s Tax Facility Fund (214), Lodger’s Tax Advertising Fund (215), Indigent Hospital Fund (220), Fire Tax ¼% Fund (222), Fire Operations Fund (244), Emergency Communications Operations Fund (245), Law Enforcement Operations Fund (246), Corrections Operations Fund (247), and NMFA Debt Service Fund (414), and a Budget Decrease to the Road Fund (204) and Capital Outlay GRT Fund (313) as a Result of Needs Brought Forward at Mid-Year Budget Hearings / $1,149,569.
Approved a Restated and Amended Agreement between Santa Fe County and the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority for Storage Space in Abiquiu Reservoir.
Approved Amendment No. 2 to Joint Powers Agreement between the City of Santa Fe and County of Santa Fe Governing the Buckman Direct Diversion Project.
- Buckman Direct Diversion Water Treatment Plant Operating Budget (BDD) for Fiscal Year 2016
- Audited Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2014
- Resolution No. 2015-13, Establishes the Transportation Advisory Committee; repeals Resolution Nos. 2011-52 and 2012-15 establishes the Road Advisory Committee; and Amends Resolution No. 2012-151 to replace the Road Advisory Committee with the Transportation Advisory Committee.
- Resolution No. 2015-15, Approved the Water Policy Advisory Committee’s Calendar Year 2015 Work Plan.
- Resolution No. 2015-57, to determine reasonable notice for Public Meetings during May through December, 2015, of the Board of County Commissioners of Santa Fe County and for boards and committees appointed by or acting under the authority of the BCC.
- Presentation of the County’s Investment Report for the five months ending March 31, 2015
- Presentation of the County Treasurer’s long-term plans
- Resolution No. 2015-63, amending Resolution No. 2012-53 concerning the negotiation of the Pojoaque Basin Regional Water Authority Joint Powers Agreement
- Presentation of the County Assessor’s Annual Report and Property Valuation program
- Presentation of the County Treasurer’s long-term plans
- A Resolution approving the County Assessor’s Property Valuation program in accordance with state statute
- Amendment No. 3 to the Employment Agreement between Katherine B. Miller and the Board of County Commissioners of Santa Fe County
Fiscal Year 2016 budget presentation - Presentation of the Santa Fe County Calendar Year 2014 Annual Report
- Resolution No. 2015-88, A resolution committing Santa Fe County fund balance
Approval of the Professional Services Agreement, Cash Management Services Master Agreement and Glbal Addendum to Cash Management agreement between Santa Fe County and First National Bank of Santa Fe, N.A.; and delegate certain signature authority to the County Manager
Approval of 2017-2021 State of New Mexico Infrastructure Capital Improvements Plan (ICIP) Public Outreach Schedule - Resolution No. 2015-101, Revises the Water Policy Advisory Committee’s Calendar Year 2015 Work Plan.
- Approved Amendment No. 4 to Agreement 2013-0103-SD/MS between Santa Fe County and the Santa Fe Animal Shelter/Humane Society to provide Humane Animal Care and Sheltering Services for an additional year
- Resolution No. 2015-102, Requests the approval of the Fiscal Year 2015 Fourth Quarter Financial Report to be submitted to the New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration as a component of the Fiscal Year 2016 final budget submission
- Approved County Health Care Assistance Claims for $74,627.28
- Approved the FY2016 Hold Harmless GRT Maintenance Set-Aside Project List
- Update on the creation of new Water Rates
- Resolution: 2015-124, amending Resolution Nos. 2010-210 and 2010-225, the Sustainable Growth Management Plan, to create the Chimayo Community Plan
- Resolution: 2015-123, amending Resolution No. 2001-117, the La Cienega and La Cieneguilla Community Plan, and Resolution Nos. 2010-210 and 2010-225, the Sustainable Growth Management Plan, to create the 2015 La Cienega and La Cieneguilla Community Plan Update
- Resolution: 2015-122, amending Resolution No. 2007-120, the Pojoaque Valley Community Strategic Plan, and Resolution Nos. 2010-210 and 2010-225, the Sustainable Growth Management Plan, to create the 2015 Pojoaque Valley Community Strategic Plan Update
- Order Imposing Tax Rates on the Net Taxable Value of Property Allocated to Governmental Units within Santa Fe County for the 2015 Tax Year.
County Commission Initiatives
- Joint Powers Agreement with the Greater Glorieta Community Regional Mutual Domestic Water Consumers and Sewage Works Association concerning improvements to the Association’s Water Utility system
- Memorandum of Agreement No. 2016-0115-PW/BT with the City of Santa Fe for the Santa Fe River Trail project from Frenchy’s Field to Siler Road segment
- A water line extension and water delivery agreement with Senemar, LLC for an extension of infrastructure and water service
- A water line extension and water delivery agreement with Homewise, LLC for an extension of infrastructure and water
- Resolution No. 2016 – 4, a resolution in support of the restoration of the official scenic historical marker text on El Camino Real
- Resolution No. 2016 – 5, a resolution to develop an Agriculture and Ranching Implementation Plan in Santa Fe County to support the 2015 Sustainable Growth Management Plan
- Professional Service Agreement No. 2016 – 0150-DWI/BT with CHRISTUS St. Vincent Regional Medical Center, Care Connection for $600,000.00 to provide Detoxification services for the remaining Fiscal Year 2016 and Fiscal Year 2017
- Resolution No. 2016 – 13, a resolution in support of funding for Supportive Housing for Individuals with Behavior Health- related disabilities
- Resolution No. 2016 – 14, a resolution in support of increasing the Federal Royalty Rate for Oil and Gas produced on Federal Public Lands
- Resolution 2016 – 15, a resolution in support of the New Mexico Association of Counties’ resolution regarding the Safety Net Care PoolConsideration of the Town of Edgewood Petition for Annexation involving numerous properties
Resolution No. 2016-20, Authorized the County to Submit Application to the NM Department of Finance and Administration to Request DWI Grant Funds and Delegated the County Manager the Authority to Execute and Submit such Applications and Execute all Required Documents and Agreements.
Resolution No. 2016-21, Established A Community Organization for the Tesuque Valley Planning Area.
Resolution No. 2016-22, Established A Community Organization for the Galisteo Planning Area.
Resolution No. 2016-23, A Budget Increase to the Alcohol Programs Fund (241) to Budget a Grant Awarded to the DWI Program/$135,493.00.
Resolution No. 2016-24, A Budget Increase to the Fire Operations Fund (244) to Budget New Funding for Multiple Grants for the County Fire Departments/$741,929.
Resolution No. 2016-25, Supports the Institute of American Indian Arts’ Proposal for the 2016 US Economic Development Administration Public Works Grants Program for a Multi-Use Performance Center.
Resolution No. 2016-26, Identifies an Area to be Referred to as the Greater Santa Fe Fireshed, Recognizing the Greater Santa Fe Fireshed as Being in Need of Application of Fire Risk Reduction Techniques, and Directing Fire Department Staff to Identify Potential Funding Sources Necessary to Pursue Fire Risk Reduction Projects in the Greater Santa Fe Fireshed.
Approved Amendment No. 2. For Agreement No. 2014-0237-HHS/PL with FIRESTIK Studio to Extend Term and Increase Compensation by an Amount of $130,000, Inclusive of GRT, for a Total Contract Amount of $410,000.00 for Design and Implementation of the DWI Public Awareness Campaign and Authorized for the County Manager to Sign the Purchase Order.
Request Authorization to Publish Title and General Summary of an Ordinance Establishing the Solid Waste Collection District; Requiring Commercial Solid Waste Haulers Operating within Collection District to Provide Bundled Refuse and Recycling Collection Services and to Deliver Collected Materials to Identified Disposal Sites; Establishing Licensing and Reporting Requirements for Commercial Solid Waste Haulers; Granting Enforcement Authority to the Director of Public Works; and Amending Ordinance No. 1992-3.
Presentation on and Recognition for the PROTEC (Professional Readiness and Technical Experience for Careers) Pilot Project, a Workforce Training Collaboration Between Santa Fe County, Northern Area Labor Workforce Development Board, and Santa Fe Community College.
- Resolution No. 2015-12, Authorizes the County Manager to submit an application to the New Mexico Department of Transportation applying for Recreational Trails Program Funds.
- Water Policy Advisory Committee Analysis of Aquifer Storage and Recovery and Back-Up Water Supply.
- Presentation of Water Policy Advisory Committee’s White Paper Resolution No. 2015-14, Adopt the recommendations of the Water Policy Advisory Committee on Aquifer Storage and Recovery and Back-Up Water Supply.
- Resolution No. 2015-16, Adopted Minimum Acceptable Facility Condition Scores in accordance with the Facility Asset Management System created pursuant to Resolution No. 2013-40
- Resolution No. 2015- 17, Support continued Enforcement and Funding of the Federal Endangered Species Act
- Resolution No. 2015-18, Establish a Planning Committee for each of the following areas: Village Of Agua Fria Zoning District, La Cienega/La Cieneguilla Community Zoning District, Los Cerrillos Community Zoning District, Madrid Community Planning District, Pojoaque Valley Community District, San Marcos Community Planning District, US 285 South Highway Corridor Zoning District, Tesuque Community Zoning District, Galisteo Community Planning District, San Pedro Contemporary Community Zoning District, and Tres Arroyos Del Poniente Zoning District.
- Resolution No. 2015-21, A Budget Increase to the Fire Operations Fund (244) to budget a NM State Forestry reimbursement and new funding for multiple grants/$406,711.
- Resolution No. 2015-20, A Budget Increase to the State Special Appropriations Fund (318) to Budget a Grant to make Solar Energy Improvements to Fire Stations in Santa Fe County/$182,000
- Resolution No. 2015-24, Amend Resolution 2013-61 to clarify policies for County Owned or Leased Community Centers
- Resolution No. 2015-¬¬25, Direct the County Manager to assess any Unique Infrastructure and Service Needs of the County’s Wildland-Urban Interface Areas as well as Funding Options to meet those needs.
- Resolution No. 2015-26, Support of the Regional Coalition of LANL Communities Resolution concerning LANL’s Environmental Mitigation Master Task Order Agreements and the Environmental Mitigation Work related to those agreements
- Ordinance No. 2015-03, Adopt a County Hold Harmless Gross Receipts Tax.
- Resolution No. 2015-57, an increase to the Eldorado Community Improvement Association to build and improve trails in the Eldorado subdivision for $40,000.
- Approved Presbyterian Medical Services agreement between Santa Fe County and Presbyterian Medical Services, Contract No. 2015-0188-CSD/MM, to provide Emergency Behavioral Health Services for adults and adolescents for $350,000
- Resolution No. 2015-66, supporting the “Stepping Up” initiative to reduce the number of people with mental illnesses in jails
- Ordinance No. 2015-5, establishing weight limits on various county maintained roads.
- Approved Memorandum of Understanding between Santa Fe County and North Central Regional Transit District regarding Mountain Trail Pilot Project
- Resolution No. 2015-87, A resolution establishing Policies and Principles to govern the development of Santa Fe County Water Utility Rate Schedules.
Approved the LDWI Detox Grant Agreement No. 16-X-I-G-27 with the New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration, Local Government Division, in the amount of $300,000.00 to provide Detoxification Services in Santa Fe County - Resolution No. 2015-93, A resolution establishing the Santa Fe County Youth Development Program Task Force.
- Resolution No. 2015-95, Amends Resolution No. 2014-35 to allow the Arts, Culture, and Cultural Tourism Committee to meet up to twelve times per year.
- Resolution No. 2015-101, Revises the Water Policy Advisory Committee’s Calendar Year 2015 Work Plan.
- Resolution No. 2015-103, Adopts the “Policies and Procedures for Temporary Use Leasing of the Santa Fe County Fairgrounds”
- Approved Amendment No. 4 to Agreement 2013-0103-SD/MS between Santa Fe County and the Santa Fe Animal Shelter/Humane Society to provide Humane Animal Care and Sheltering Services for an additional year
- Direction on the creation of the Office of County Flood Commissioner
- Resolution No. 2015-121, Adopting procedures governing the acquisition, integration, and provision of Technical Assistance to Community Water and Wastewater Systems; and creating the Community System Technical Advisory Committee
- Resolution 2015-125, Requiring the legal status of Santa Fe County Roads within the exterior boundaries of the Pueblos of Nambe, Pojoaque, San Ildefonso, and Tesuque to be resolved prior to the Board of County Commissioners of Santa Fe County appropriating funds for the Construction Costs of the Regional Water System contemplated by the Aamodt Settlement
- REDI Net Presentation of current Open Access Middle Mile Broadband and Public Safety Activities in Northern New Mexico
- Ordinance No. 2015-8, Amends Ordinance No. 2012-5 to Clarify that the County is Not Prohibited from Maintaining Roads Located on County-Owned Property.
- Resolution No. 2015-126, Support of the Reauthorization of and Full Funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
- Resolution No. 2015-127, requires the County’s Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2017 and Future Fiscal Years to be Developed Utilizing Results Based Accountability or Another Form of Priority –Driven Budget Process.
- Resolution No. 2015-128, Amended Resolution No. 2003-4, the El Valle De Arroyo Seco Highway Corridor Plan, and Resolution Nos. 2010-210 and 2010-225, the Sustainable Growth Management Plan, to Create the 2015 El Valle De Arroyo Seco Highway Corridor Plan Update. (Second and Final Public Hearing)
- Resolution No. 2015-129, Amended Resolution No. 2004-73, the US 285 South Highway Corridor Plan, and Resolution Nos. 2010-210 And 2010-225, the Sustainable Growth Management Plan, to Create the 2015 US 285 South Highway Corridor Plan Update. (Second and Final Public Hearing)
- Application for SF County Local Economic Development Act (LEDA) Support for the Place at Caja Del Rio, a Senior Living Project
- Utilize the New Mexico Association of Counties Voluntary Benefits Program