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Date: March 14, 2019 at 5:30pm

Location: Community College

Hello all,

We're sorry to report that due to weather, the community college is closed today and called us to reschedule for a new date.  Perseverance will prevail, however.  We will confirm a new date in the next few days

Take an active role in shaping the future of YOUR
trails system in the Greater Santa Fe area
What: Help develop a comprehensive, sustainable trails
plan for the Greater Santa Fe Area
How: “All hands, all lands,” outcome-oriented
collaboration that includes all trail interests and focuses
on collective prioritization of trail projects.
Who is invited: Trail enthusiasts, businesses, landowners,
organizations, agencies… and all others interested!
2nd Workshop
March, 2019: trail project prioritization



Thank you for your participation in the December
workshop! Your input will be built upon in the
March prioritization workshop.

Convened by:
Greater Santa Fe Recreation Partnership
An emerging collaboration among governmental and nongovernmental partners fostering proactive dialogue, collective
action, and development and implementation of a
comprehensive outdoor recreation master plan in the
Greater Santa Fe area.