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Starts: November 1, 2023 at 6:00pm
Ends: November 1, 2023 at 8:00pm

Location: 100 Catron St. 2nd Floor- Plaza Room

COLTPAC will hold a regular meeting on Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the Plaza Conference Room, Santa Fe County Administrative Complex, 100 Catron St., Santa Fe, NM 87501.
In addition to any other or different items of business that appear on the final, amended agenda (if any) for the meeting, the agenda for this meeting is as follows:
I. Opening Business
a. Call to Order
b. Roll Call
c. Approve Agenda
d. Approve Minutes
i. August 2, 2023 Regular Meeting
II. Introductions
III. Presentations- None
IV. Action Items
a. Review and make recommendation regarding formation of an Open Space, Parks and Trails Regulatory Subcommittee
b. Review and make recommendation regarding formation of a Forest Resiliency Subcommittee
V. Discussion Items
a. 2024 Open Space Site Visits: Thornton Ranch Open Space, Little Tesuque Creek Open Space, Cerrillos Hills State Park, Rail Trail
b. Little Tesuque Creek Open Space Trailhead Parking
c. Potential Donation of Edgewood Equestrian Center to Town of Edgewood
d. 2024 Annual Work Plan
VI. Information Items
a. Santa Fe County Wetlands Action Plan Update
b. Rio en Medio: Restoration Update
c. Open Space Acquisition Updates
VII. Matters from Staff
VIII. Matters from Committee
a. Acquisition Subcommittee Report
IX. Matters from the Public
X. Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday, February 7, 2024
XI. Adjournment
Members of the public have the choice of listening and participating in this meeting in person or virtually. Members of the public may listen and participate in the meeting via WebEx, using meeting number (access code) [2486 642 1880] and password [mdSpPDsm235]. To participate by phone, call 1-408-418-9388. To participate via the internet, go to
Santa Fe County makes every practical effort to assure that auxiliary aids or services are available for meetings and programs. Individuals who would like to request auxiliary aids or services
should contact Santa Fe County at (505) 986-6200 in advance to discuss specific needs (e.g., interpreters for the hearing impaired or readers for the sight impaired).

COLTPAC 11-01-2023
