Starts: March 17, 2025 at 10:00am
Ends: March 17, 2025 at 12:00pm
Location: Virtually
Notice of Meeting
Notice of Regular Meetings 2025
The Santa Fe County DWI Planning Council Board/Committee will hold regular meetings virtually on the following dates:
March 17th, 2025 from 10am-12pm
Santa Fe County strives to make its meetings accessible to the public through alternatives to in-person attendance, such as virtual meeting platforms. However, the availability of those virtual meeting platforms is not guaranteed due to internet and other service disruptions and equipment failures, and duly noticed meetings may be held notwithstanding that those alternatives are unexpectedly unavailable. Members of the public assume the risk that they may be unable to participate in meetings through such alternatives.
Subject to the above disclaimer, Santa Fe County intends to allow the public to listen and participate in this meeting virtually. For instructions on joining the meeting, visit [SS1]
Microsoft Teams
Meeting ID: 227 952 855 718
Passcode: KU3gk6wJ
Dial in by phone
+1 773-352-2011,,900130416# United States, Chicago
Phone conference ID: 900 130 416#
The final agenda will be posted at least 72 hours before the meeting on the interactive touchscreen in the lobby of the County Administration Complex[SS2] , 240 Grant Ave., Santa Fe, and on the County’s online meeting management platform. A PDF copy also will be provided at the bottom of this webpage for convenience.
Santa Fe County makes every practical effort to ensure that auxiliary aids or services are available for meetings. Individuals who would like to request auxiliary aids or services should contact the Santa Fe County DWI Program in advance of the meeting.
For more information, please contact LeAnne Rodriguez, DWI Program Manager, at, 505 992-9831 or Sylvia Barela, Via Positiva at
CMO is creating a landing page for each County board/committee and will update this URL after you submit your notice. [SS1]
This requires each board/committee liaison to create the meeting agenda and make it active on the BoardDocs software 72 hours before the meeting date/time. [SS2]
DWI 3-17-2025