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Starts: February 27, 2025 at 3:00pm
Ends: February 27, 2025 at 4:30pm

Location: Hybrid/In-person Via Webex/Santa Fe County Commission Chambers, 102 Grant Ave., Santa Fe, NM 87501


February 27, 2025, at 3:00 p.m.
Commission Chambers, 2nd Floor
102 Grant Ave., Santa Fe, NM

Santa Fe County’s Nuisance Hearing Officer will hold a special public hearing on Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 3:00 p.m., in Santa Fe County Commission Chambers located on the second floor at 102 Grant Ave., Santa Fe, NM 87501. The primary purpose of this hearing is to present an alleged violation of the Property Nuisance Abatement Ordinance, pursuant to Santa Fe County Resolution No. 2023-04, for administrative enforcement regarding Santa Fe County Code Enforcement Case 24-8064, located at 2133 Paseo Mel Senaida and owned by Randy Ray Tapia, before the Nuisance Hearing Officer John Ziegler for examination and decision pursuant to Santa Fe County Resolution No. 2024-156.


In addition to any other or different items of business that appear on the final, amended agenda (if any) for the meeting, the agenda for this meeting is as follows:

1. Opening Business
    A. Call to Order.
    B. Approval of Agenda. (Action Item)
2. New Business
A. CASE No. 24-8064 Randy Ray Tapia, Administrative Enforcement Santa Fe County’s Growth Management Code Enforcement requests approval of administrative enforcement. Due to the property owner’s failure to comply with the issued written order to correct and remedy the nuisance within the prescribed time frame. The subject property is alleged to be in violation of Section 3 Article I: Abandoned and Inoperable Vehicles, Section 3 Article 3: Criminal Activity, Section 3 Article 5: General Nuisances, Section 3 Article 11: Open Storage, and Section 4: Substandard Building Conditions (A & B) of the 2023-04 Nuisance Abatement Ordinance. The property is located at 2133 Paseo Mel Senaida within Section 32, Township 17 North, Range 9 East, Portion of SHC 413, Tract 2, .3365 AC. (Potential Action Item)
3. Concluding Business
    A. Adjournment. (Action Item)


Santa Fe County’s Growth Management Department strives to make its Nuisance Hearing Officer meetings accessible to the public through alternatives to in-person attendance, such as virtual meeting platforms. However, the availability of virtual meeting platforms is not guaranteed due to internet and other service disruptions and equipment failures, and duly noticed meetings may be held notwithstanding that those alternatives are unexpectedly unavailable. Members of the public assume the risk that they may be unable to participate in Nuisance Hearing Officer meetings through such alternatives.

Subject to the above disclaimer, Santa Fe County intends to allow the public to listen and participate in this meeting virtually. For instructions on joining the meeting, visit

Santa Fe County makes every practical effort to ensure that auxiliary aids or services are available for meetings. To request auxiliary aids, contact the County’s Growth Management Department at (505) 986-6225 in advance to discuss specific needs (e.g., interpreters for the hearing impaired or readers for the sight impaired).

Notice of and Agenda for Special Meeting 02-27-25-
Nuisance Hearing Officer Meeting 02-27-2025