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Date: March 10, 2017 at 8:00am

Location: Santa Fe Convention Center, 201 Marcy Street, Santa Fe, NM


Santa Fe Convention Center
201 Marcy Street, Santa Fe, NM 87501
Parking Garage Entrance on 201 Federal Place
Friday, March 10, 2017 | 8:00a—12:00p

A. Coffee & Breakfast 7:30a-8:00a
B. Call to Order – Chair Barney Trujillo | 8:00a-
C. Confirmation of Quorum – Chair Barney Trujillo
D. Approval of Agenda – Chair Barney Trujillo
E. Strategic Planning Session | 8:05–10:00a
a. Strategic Planning Overview
i. Setting stage for 2017-18
ii. Recommendations for Strategic Positioning & Topics for Discussion
b. Review of 2016 – Key milestones, accomplishments, challenges and opportunities
c. Goal & Work Plan Agenda Setting
i. Economic & Community Development
ii. Environmental Cleanup
iii. Meeting Development
iv. Communications & Outreach
v. Ideas from the Board
d. Way Forward & Commitments
F. Executive Director Review | 10:00-12:00a (Closed Session)
a. Discussion Regarding Limited Personnel Matter(s) – Review of ARC’s Provision of Executive Director Services and Agreement AGR2016-01. (Session Closed Pursuant to NMSA 10-15-1 (H) (2))
G. Lunch | 11:30a
H. Adjournment | 12:00p