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Date: April 5, 2017 at 3:15pm

Location: Pojoaque Middle School Auditorium, 1574 NM 502

Santa Fe County Invites Public to Town Hall Meeting on Health

WHEN: Wednesday, April 5, 2017, from 3:15 to 5:15 pm
WHERE: Pojoaque Middle School Auditorium, 1574 NM 502

Santa Fe County Community Services Department is creating an Accountable Health Community and conducting a gap analysis to identify challenges and barriers within the County’s health and social service systems. We want to learn about your experiences with health care in Santa Fe County. How do we make Santa Fe County a healthier community? What health, community and social services are available, and what are the barriers and challenges faced by you, your family, your neighbors, or those for whom you provide support?

For more information contact: Patricia Boies, Health Services Division Director,, 505-995-9538