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\‘Enough\’, County/City Join Forces to Assail Domestic Violence

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month and Santa Fe County is joining forces with the City of Santa Fe to protect survivors of domestic violence, their children, and to hold perpetrators of domestic violence accountable. County Commissioners Harry Montoya and Liz Stefanics will join a cadre of community leaders at a press conference on Wednesday, October 7 at 12 noon in the County Commission Chambers to discuss the details of this new partnership. Later that evening, a Town Hall meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the Chambers where a diverse panel of local activists, policy-makers, and opinion leaders will discuss strengthening links and closing the gaps between the justice, social service sector, and victims to improve community services. Panelists include Judge Raymond Ortiz, Santa Fe County District Attorney Angela Pacheco, Sheriff Greg Solano, Police Chief Aric Wheeler, Mayor David Coss, Sherry Taylor, Executive Director of Esperanza Shelter, and Diana McWilliams, Executive Director of the Santa Fe Rape Crisis and Trauma Treatment Center. Jim Williams from KUNM will be the Town Hall moderator.

Also on the agenda is the introduction of the new domestic violence hearing officer from the First Judicial District, Barbara Michael, and a discussion about the role alcohol plays in the lethality of domestic violence. A shrine commemorating domestic violence victims and survivors will be erected in the County Administration Building at 102 Grant Street. Community members are invited to bring memorabilia of friends and family who have suffered from domestic violence to place on the shrine.

The community is encouraged to participate in both events. The events will be webcast live at and Comcast channel 28. For more information, contact Carol Horwitz at 955-5018 or