News and Articles


A Note to our Community Following the Tragic Events in Connecticut

A Note to our Community Following the Tragic Events in Connecticut

Dear Santa Fe Public Schools Families and Community,

We are deeply saddened by the senseless violence that occurred this past Friday at the Sandy Hook Elementary
School in Newtown, Connecticut. We join the rest of the nation in offering our condolences to the students,
families and staff affected by this terrible tragedy.

We know that such random acts of violence can leave many of us feeling vulnerable and uneasy. We want to
assure you that providing a safe and secure environment for our students and staff is our top priority. Each public school in Santa Fe is required by law to have a Comprehensive Safety Plan. These plans have been developed over time, in coordination with local law enforcement and fue authorities, and our District security team works closely with schools to ensure that procedures are in place for managing these types of emergencies.

In order to keep our schools and community safe, schools, the district security team, and local authorities
continually revisit these plans and safety protocols. In coordination with our local police and fire departments, the school district conducts ongoing safety audits in each individual school, in addition to monthly emergency safety drills. We have also upgraded technology in our schools, such as better cameras and alarms, to increase the security of our campuses.

To further ensure the safety and prevention of violence in our community, local law enforcement departments have increased their patrols and vigilance during this time.

Our school counselors are trained and prepared to support students who may have difficulty coping with this recent tragedy. The School District's wehsite also has information on how parents and staff can assist children with talking about this incident.

School safety requires the efforts of students, parents, staff and the community working together. Any information
about unsafe, illegal or suspicious activity at schools should immediately be reported to your child's school, the
District's security office (467-3440), or to local police authorities.

Lastly, the public is invited to gather this Friday morning, December 21,2012 in the Downtown Plaza, as the Santa Fe Public Schools, City of Santa Fe, and County of Santa Fe, hold a joint memorial to honor the students and staff of Sandy Hook Elementary School. Schools that are within walking distance of the Plaza will be invited to participate in the Plaza vigil, while all other schools will be asked to plan memorials during this time within their individual schools. More information regarding the details of this event will be posted on the District's website at

Again, we extend heartfelt condolences to the families of the children and staff who lost their lives in this senseless tragedy. We thank you for your continued support as we work together to create a safe and secure environment within our schools and the broader community.

Joel D. Boyd
Superintendent of Schools

David Coss
Mayor, City of Santa Fe

Liz Stefanics
Chair, Board of County Commissioners