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A Select Number of Santa Fe County Households Will Receive Citizen Survey

A Select Number of Santa Fe County Households Will Receive Citizen Survey

Santa Fe, NM – September 13, 2013 - Santa Fe County will join hundreds of cities and counties across 20 states that have chosen to participate in The National Citizen Survey™. Within the next few weeks, questionnaires will be sent to a 3,000 Santa Fe County households at random, asking for feedback on the quality and usefulness of Santa Fe County services. The results will be included in a final report County officials can use in planning and budgeting for the future.

If have been selected at random to participate in the 2013 Santa Fe County Citizen Survey here are a few things you should know:

You will receive a postcard notification on or around September 16, 2013. The survey questionnaire will follow by mail approximately one week later.The survey will take about 15 - 20 minutes to complete and your responses will be completely anonymous. You can return the completed survey in a postage-paid envelope or complete the survey on-line.Your responses are completely anonymous.You may return the survey by mail in the enclosed postage-paid envelope. Remember that you are one of only 3,000 households selected so your participation is very important!

The National Citizen Survey™ is sponsored by the International City/County Management Association in cooperation with National Research Center, Inc. The questionnaire and survey procedure were designed based on the experience of hundreds of local governments of all sizes, from small to large.

Scientific sampling and weighting of responses in each participating city and county ensures accurate and reliable results. Because each entity’s survey is developed using a standard template, and many cities and counties can be surveyed at one time, The National Citizen Survey™ is a very efficient way to measure citizen opinion.

Other local governments in New Mexico that have conducted The National Citizen Survey™ include the cities of Farmington, Las Cruces and Rio Rancho and San Juan County.