News and Articles


Annual Report: County Manager Submits 2009 Annual Performance Report

Dear Commissioners and Residents:

I write to you as I complete another year serving Santa Fe County as your County Manager. I am pleased to be able to present this Annual Report highlighting our accomplishments and initiatives. It shows our commitment to productivity, focus on moving forward, and efforts to create a culture of excellence.

This past year was a year of change.  The year began emphasizing a 'green' lifestyle and ended up with the focus becoming 'lean' financially.  Tumultuous, uncertain, volatile, recession, and change are words that describe the past year.  Santa Fe County, too, has been affected by the global economic crisis.  We re-evaluated every process and program, then trimmed expenditures that were not essential in fulfilling our fundamental purpose in serving County residents.

As I continue to manage the day-to-day operation of Santa Fe County, my focus will continue to be delivering quality programs and services to our community during these challenging times.


Roman Abeyta
County Manager