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April 12, 2011 BCC Meeting Summary

April 12, 2011 BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe – April 13, 2011 – Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners all five Commissioners were present:
Minutes of March 8, 2011 BCC meeting were unanimously approved.

The following proclamations were unanimously approved:
• Announcing Global Youth Service Days to foster participation of young people in the community and to engage them as leaders. Among other events planned, Earth Day will be celebrated at the Nancy Rodriguez Community Center
• Proclaiming April 25 to May 1 Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week and promoting a walk to garner funds for the MS Society. The walk will take place Saturday, April 30 at 9 a.m. and will start at the De Vargas Mall
• Recognizing the 43rd anniversary of the passage of the US Fair Housing Law, proclaiming April Fair Housing month and beginning a year of commemoration
• Honoring Jeannette Wallace, who recently passed away, for her 20 years of service as a legislator in the New Mexico House of Representatives where she represented three counties, including Santa Fe County

Matters from the Commission (the following items were noted)
• La Bajada has running water but still needs insulation for the pipe
• La Vista Grande observed its 10th anniversary
• Congratulations to Roni Rohr - named 2011 New Mexico Art Educator of the Year
• Health indicators show Santa Fe’s ranking is improving
• Santa Fe County’s efforts in government transparency have improved its grade from an F to an A- with the Sunshine Review National Organization

The following resolutions were unanimously approved:
• Authorizing issuance of general obligation bonds in the amount of $17.5 million, payable from ad valorem taxes on property. Due to favorable ratings the County was able to get a 3.12 percent interest rate
• Celebrating National County Government Month recognizing the role counties play in the lives of veterans and their families
• Creating the Road Advisory Committee including alternates and redistributing the representation throughout the districts. Volunteers are being solicited. Anyone interested in being appointed to the Road Advisory Committee should contact Robert Martinez at (505)992-3010 or
• A resolution was unanimously approved accepting a grant of $382,000 in federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) money to assist in contamination remediation at the First Judicial District Courthouse site. Additionally, a change order to the contract with Bradbury Stamm Construction for work on the courthouse project in the amount of $161,438 was approved.

Jose Varela Lopez gave a presentation regarding the Pojoaque Soil and Water Conservation District, whose mission is to prevent soil erosion and promote flood control. The district is also involved in riparian work, taking out invasive species.

Ordinance 2011-2, an emergency ordinance declaring hazardous fire conditions and imposing restrictions on open fires, smoking and other ignition sources passed unanimously. Acting Fire Chief Dave Sperling presented the ordinance to ban all open fires of any kind and the use of off-road vehicles in County parks. Due to current drought conditions leading to high fire danger, the ordinance is effective immediately.

The Commission authorized the creation of 14 positions for staff to man the five senior centers the County will be taking over from the City.

Matters from the County Manager
• A decision is needed by the end of the month regarding the super-supplemental sole community provider
• There are 22 agencies participating in preparations for the Chimayo pilgrimage. The County will be providing 27 portable toilets along County Roads and at County facilities
• County offices will be closed Friday, April 22 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. in observation of Good Friday
• The commissioners of Santa Fe, Sandoval and Los Alamos counties will nominate candidates for the vacancy left by the death of Representative Wallace and the Governor will choose a successor
• The County Assessor’s Office put forward a plan for reassessing all properties that have not been evaluated recently, nearly 38,000 residential properties, to be done by an outside contractor
• Bills that passed the legislature affecting the County include funding for teen court, reauthorization of some capital projects, a bill regarding jail inspections and discontinuation of the surveyor position. Vetoed bills include the County-endorsed local food purchase preference and energy conservation bonds

Growth Management:

A proposal to consent to the City’s potential rezoning of the Polk property, at the intersection of Richards Avenue and Rodeo Road, was tabled to allow for a public hearing.

BCC Case #MIS 11-5020, the Albert Sedillo Family Transfer, was unanimously approved.

CDRC Case #V 11-5010, the Bernie Romero Variance, was tabled to the next land use meeting.

All BCC meetings are broadcast live at, Comcast Channel 28 and AM 810 Que Suave. To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, go to or check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days, once approved at  .