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April 24, 2012 BCC Summary

April 24, 2012 BCC Summary

Santa Fe, NM – April 26, 2012 – Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC). All five Commissioners were present.

The BCC approved the minutes from the March 13, 2012 meeting.

The Consent Calendar was approved.


  • Kimberly Martinez of the Assessor's Office was recognized as Employee of the Quarter for the first quarter of 2012.
  • The BCC recognized Tim Grey with the New Mexico Environment Department Solid Waste Bureau, Herbert Chavez with Bureau of Land Management(BLM) and the BLM fire and fuels Crew.
  • An update on the Santa Fe County Fair was provided.


The BCC Approved the request to award RFP #2012-0055-UT/MS to Molzen Corbin for the engineering services of the Lamy Junction Water Transmission Line in the amount of $411,368.96.

Public Works Department

  • A Resolution articulating County policy regarding funding requests from private, quasi-public, or public water and wastewater systems for Capital Improvements was approved 4-1 ( Commissioner Anaya voted against).
  • The lease agreement between Santa Fe County and Office Court Development III, LLC, for the use of office space located at 4001 Office Court Drive, Suite 303 for the Public Safety Department in the amount of $49,427.16 for the period of May 1, 2012 through April 30, 2013 was approved.

Finance Department

The BCC provided authorization to enter into the third year of the agreement for RFP #2010-0383-FI/TRV (The Financial And Compliance Audit Services for Santa Fe County Fiscal Year 2012) in the amount of $96,070.

Public Safety Department

The BCC approved an Emergency Ordinance declaring hazardous fire conditions and imposing restrictions on open fires, smoking and other ignitions sources.

Matters From The Commission

  • The BCC recognized the Capshaw Middle School, 7th grade boys basketball team as the Santa Fe City Champs.
  • A Proclamation declaring April 28, 2012 as Workers Memorial Day was approved.
  • A Resolution directing the County Manager to obtain a certified, independent property appraiser to conduct an appraisal of Santa Fe Canyon Ranch (La Bajada Ranch) to determine the current market value of the property and assets was tabled.
  • The Greater Chimayo Water Association was recognized by the BCC.
  • The County Manager provided an update on the Santa Fe Film Studio. Representation from the Studios was present and also provided an update.
  • An update from the County Manager and County Attorney was provided on the Caja Del Rio mining permit.