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April 26, 2016 BCC Summary

Santa Fe, NM – May 5, 2016- Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC).  All five Commissioners were present.

BCC meeting minutes from the March 29, 2016 BCC was approved by unanimous vote 5-0

Employee Recognitions

Recognition of New County Employees

Recognition of years of Service for Santa Fe County Employees for April 2016

Deakota Marquez – Public Safety/RECC/Emergency Comm. Spec III – 5 years

Erik Aaboe – Public Works/Administration/Business Fin. Manager – 5 years

Craig O’Hare – Public Works/Administration/Energy Specialist – 5 years

David Vigil – Public Works/Road maintenance/Soils Lab Tech – 10 years

Justine Calabaza – Sheriff/Administration/Records Clerk Lead – 10 years

Camille Gurule – ASD/Mail Room/Mail Clerk – 15 years

Mark Rodriguez – Public Works/Administration – Prod. Controller – 20 years       

            Recognition of Santa Fe County Employee of the Quarter, 1stQuarter Awards


           Public Safety – Samuel Patty – Firefighter/Paramedic

            Public Works – Jeanette Duran – Accountant Senior

            Support Services – Igancio Dominguez – HR Administrator

            Sheriff’s Department – Detective Paul Prentice – Sheriff Deputy II

           Ignacio Dominguez was selected Employee of the 4thQuarter


Consent Calendar - All Consent Agenda items passed by unanimous vote 5-0 (unless otherwise noted)

Final Orders

  •          CDRC CASE #Z 15-5200 Spotlight RV Park Master Plan.  Rick Anaya, Applicant, Requested Master Plan Zoning Approval to Allow An RV Park Consisting of 54 RV Spaces, 20 Horse Stalls, Public Bathroom/Shower Facilities and an Existing Residence on an 11.57-Acre Tract.  (Approved 3-1).  Commissioner Anaya abstained from vote(s).
  •          CDRC CASE # S 08-5441 Tierra Bello Subdivision Phase 2 And Phase 3 Preliminary and Final Plat and Development Plan. Joe Miller, Applicant, Danny Martinez, Agent, Requested Preliminary and Final Plat and Development Plan Approval for Phase 2 (6-Lots) and Phase 3 (6-Lots) of the Tierra Bello Residential Subdivision to Create 12 Residential Lots within a Previously Approved Master Planned 73 Lot Residential Subdivision. (Approved 4-1).
  •          BCC CASE# MIS 10-5552 Tessera Phase II Preliminary Plat and Development Plan Time Extension.  Homewise, Inc., Applicant, Design Enginuity (Oralynn Guerrerortiz), Agent, Requested a 36-Month Time Extension of the Previously Approved Preliminary Plat and Development Plan for the Tessera Phase II Residential Subdivision, Consisting of 78 Residential Lots on 69.40 Acres. (Approved 3-0).
  •          CDRC CASE # S 15-5310 Cienda Partners (Las Terrazas Phase III) Preliminary Plat, Final Plat, And Development Plan Amendment. Cienda Partners, Applicant, Scott Hoeft, Agent, Requests a Preliminary Plat, Final Plat, and Development Plan Amendment to Sub-Phase the Previously Approved Las Terrazas Phase III Residential Subdivision (46 Lots on 43.63 Acres) into Two Phases. Sub-Phase 3A will Consist of 24 Residential Lots and Sub-Phase 3B will Consist of 22 Lots. (Approved 3-0).


  •          Approved County Health Care Assistance Claims in the Amount of $110,247.48. 
  •          Approved Amendment No. 1 to the Electronic Site Lease Agreement No. 2016-0091-FD/BT Between Santa Fe County and LAC Minerals (USA) in the Amount of $2,750 Per Year and Updating the Terms of the Lease Through August 2020. 
  •          Increase of Allocation for Pinon Hills Subdivision Road Improvement Project by $10,000 to Accommodate Bid Above Budgeted Amount and Reduce the Allocation for the Old Santa Fe Trail Multimodal Project by the Same Amount. 


  •          Resolution No. 2016-39, A Budget Increase to the Fire Tax Fund (222) and Fire Operations Fund (244) to Budget Insurance Recovery Revenue for the Fire Department / $32,099. 
  •          Resolution No. 2016-40, A Budget Increase to the Fire Impact Fee Fund (216) for Facility Improvements to the Rancho Viejo Fire Station – Fire Department / $20,000. 
  •          Resolution No. 2016-41, Delegation to the County Manager the Authority to Negotiate and Execute a Change Order in the Amount of $30,000, Exclusive of Gross Receipts Tax, to a Contract with A.A.C. Construction, LLC, Contract No. 2015-0366-PW/MM. 
  •          Resolution No. 2016-42, Authorizes the County Attorney to Initiate and Prosecute Condemnation Proceedings to Acquire Real Property Interests for the Santa Fe River Greenway Project from Frenchy’s Field to Siler Road and from Siler Road to San Ysidro Crossing in Cases Where the Property Owner is Willing to Sell but the Mortgagee or Other Security Interest Holder is Recalcitrant or Unresponsive.
  •          Resolution No. 2016-43, Delegation to the County Manager the Authority to Sign Two Purchase Orders for Road Construction Utilizing the County On-Call Road Construction Contract Number 2013-0119-PW/MS with G.M. Emulsion, LLC. 

(End Of Consent Agenda)

Santa Fe County Board of Finance

(The Board of County Commissioners of Santa Fe County Temporarily Adjourned and Reconvened as the Santa Fe County Board of Finance.)

  •          County Investment Report for the Five Months Ending March 31, 2016
  •          Board Approved County Treasurer’s Long-Term Plans
  •          Update on Proposed Investment Policy Changes

(Adjourned and Reconvened as the Board of County Commissioners of Santa Fe County)

Action Items – All Action Items approved by unanimous vote 5-0 (unless otherwise noted)


  •          Jeannie Dodson-Edgars and Garrett VeneKlasen were Appointed as Members to the Santa Fe County Open Lands, Trails and Parks Advisory Committee (COLTPAC).


  •          Resolution No. 2016-44, A Budget Increase to the Utilities Enterprise Fund to Budget Cash for Buckman Direct Diversion Water System Legal Services Expenses / $470,000. 
  •          Resolution No. 2016-45, Amends Resolution 2014-35 to Extend the Arts, Culture and Cultural Tourism Committee Sunset an Additional Two Years.
  •          Resolution No. 2016-46, Delegates the County Manager the Authority to Negotiate and Execute Two Construction Contracts with A.A.C. Construction, LLC, Contract Numbers 2016-0169-PW/MM And 2016-0204-PW/MM, and Sign The Associated Purchase Orders.
  •          Resolution No. 2016-47, A Notice of Sale Resolution for General Obligation Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016.


  •          Memorandum of Understanding between Santa Fe County and the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) to Implement the Fiscal Year 2014 Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Services (SAFER) Volunteer Workforce Solution Program.  Approved 4-0 (Commissioner Chavez was not present for vote).
  •          Approved a Partnership with the Mid Regional Council of Governments LandLink New Mexico Program.  Approved 4-0 (Commissioner Chavez was not present for vote).


  •          Publish Title and General Summary of An Ordinance Establishing the Solid Waste Collection District; Requiring Commercial Solid Waste Haulers Operating within Collection District to Provide Bundled Refuse and Recycling Collection Services and to Deliver Collected Materials to Identified Disposal Sites; Establishing Licensing and Reporting Requirements for Commercial Solid Waste Haulers; Granting Enforcement Authority to the Director of Public Works; and Amending Ordinance No. 1992-3.  Approved 4-0 (Commissioner Anaya was not present for vote).

Matters From The County Manager

  •          Miscellaneous Updates


  •          Recognized the Students from the Early College Charter High School Master’s Program and Crew Leaders from the Trails Alliance and Fat Tire Society for their Contributions in Restoring, Beautifying and Maintaining Santa Fe County Public Lands.
  •          Recognized the Galisteo Volunteer Fire District. 
  •          Recognized National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week, April 10-16, 2016, Honoring the Men and Women Who Serve their Communities as 911 Operators. 
  •          Monique Anair from the Santa Fe Community College and Other Project Partners Acknowledged the New Mexico Volunteers Civil War Monument, Glorieta Pass Battlefield.

Matters from the County Attorney

Executive Session

  •          Threatened or Pending Litigation in which Santa Fe County is or may Become a Participant, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(7) NMSA 1978, and Discussion of the Purchase, Acquisition or Disposal of Real Property or Water Rights, as allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(8) NMSA 1978, Including the Following:

o  City of Espanola, et al., v. County Commission of Santa Fe County, et al.,State of New Mexico, County of Santa Fe, First Judicial District, No. D-101-CV-2015-01396.

o  Right of Ways for County Roads.

o  Acquisition of Real Property Interests for Santa Fe River Greenway Project.

No actions were taken by the Board as a result of Closed Executive Session.

Public Hearings


  •          Ordinance No. 2016-3, The Place at Caja Del Rio, A Senior Living Project, Local Economic Development Act (LEDA) Project Ordinance.  Passed by unanimous vote, 5-0.

Information Items

  •          Growth Management Monthly Report
  •          Public Safety Monthly Report
  •          Public Works Monthly Report
  •          Human Resources Monthly Report
  •          Administrative Services Monthly Report
  •          Community Services Monthly Report