News and Articles


April 27, 2010 BCC Meeting Summary

April 27, 2010 BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe – April 28, 2010 – Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners:

Employee of the Quarter was awarded to Esther Artino by County Clerk Valerie Espinoza. Ms. Artino was recognized for her dedication to the County and foresight in getting Santa Fe County records digitized.

Advisory Council On Food Policy – The Santa Fe City and Advisory Council on Food Policy gave an annual update presentation, which highlighted initiatives including revisions to procurement policies for City and County to encourage the use of more local foods and products, developing partnerships to assess the local food system and food security, and assisting in public education and outreach on food access and agricultural policies. The Council was created in 2008 to monitor, analyze, and make recommendations to the administration of City and County on ways to improve the availability of safe and nutritious food at reasonable prices for all residents, particularly those in need. 

La Cienega Acequia and La Bajada Historic Roadway Alignments: Santa Fe County in collaboration with the National Park Service (NPS) and the University of New Mexico (UNM) has developed and submitted documents to the Library of Congress: Historic American Building Survey HABS, and Historic American Engineering Survey HAER.

Community Funds: By unanimous voice vote, the Commission approved the following expenditures:

· $500. - Eldorado Children’s Theatre And Teen Players

· $500. - Kitchen Angels

· $250 - Leadership Santa Fe

· $500 - Kindred Spirits Animal Shelter

· $250 - League of Women voters

· $500 - El Museo Cultural

Transfer Stations – Pursuant to state regulations acceptance of brush is not permitted at transfer stations. Commissioner Anaya asked staff to investigate acceptance of brush to help with spring cleanup.

The resolution approving a lease of grazing rights at the County’s Top of the World property was modified to reflect the need for Board of Finance approval.

Energy Alternatives for the County’s Media District were presented by Mark Sardella. Locally generated energy would provide local decision making and self-reliance, job growth and economic development, and reduced impact on the climate. Direction was given to explore more detail on organization, infrastructure, and costs with an eye to starting a pilot project.

Santa Fe Solid Waste Management Agency Executive Director, Randall Kippenbrock spoke of the ongoing development of a long-range solid waste plan with an emphasis on encouraging waste diversion. The plan is coming together through the efforts of Zia Engineering and a 22-member advisory committee. Completion is scheduled for November.

All BCC meetings are broadcast live at To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, go to check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at