News and Articles


April 27, 2010 Housing Authority Board Meeting Summary

April 27, 2010 Housing Authority Board Meeting Summary

Santa Fe – April 28, 2010 – Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Housing Authority Board Meeting:

The Santa Fe County Housing Authority Board comprised of the elected County Commissioners and two at-large members met and heard presentations on three proposals to provide affordable housing with County subsidies, or an outright sale of property to the County. Following the presentations, the Authority rejected those proposals by a majority [4-1] vote [Chair Montoya voted against and Commissioner Virginia Vigil and Member Hoffman were not present].

Commission Anaya said the County contracted with Suby Bowden & Associates to conduct a comprehensive affordable housing study which ranked the County-owned Galisteo property as the most appropriate choice based on extensive criteria – infrastructure, transportation, schools, and other amenities – and he asked for and received the Board’s support in moving forward with that recommendation. The property is undergoing environmental remediation and staff will present an update on the project at the May Housing Authority Board meeting.