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August 26, 2014 BCC Summary

August 26, 2014 BCC Summary

Santa Fe, NM – September 5, 2014 - Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC). Four Commissioners were present, Commissioner Anaya was excused.

Meeting minutes from July 29, 2014, passed by unanimous vote 4-0

New Employees were introduced by the County Manager
Employees were recognized for years of service with Santa Fe County:
Christopher Oakeley- Assessor’s Office, 5 years
Dominique Mclemore – Corrections Department, 5 years
Renee Gonzales – Corrections Department, 5 years
Michael Martinez – Sheriff’s Office, 10 years
Deborah Anaya – Sheriff’s Office, 10 years
Wayne Dalton – Growth Management Department, 15 years
Patrick Romero – Fire Department, 15 years

Consent Calendar was unanimously approved 4-0, with one caption pulled by Commissioner Mayfield. Below are the items approved under the Consent Agenda:
• Resolution No. 2014-68, Accept Rivers Edge Lane as a County Road for County Maintenance
• Resolution No. 2014-69, A budget increase to the Federal Forfeiture Fund (225) to budget cash carryover and new forfeitures received and to the HIDTA Program/$8,598
• Resolution No. 2014-70, Adopt Local Government Road Improvement Fund Project No. CAP-5-15 (470) for pavement rehabilitation/improvements of County Road 113 in Santa Fe County, New Mexico
• Resolution No. 2014-71, Adopt Local Government Road Improvement Fund Project No. SF-7806 (103) 15 for pavement rehabilitation/improvements of Evergreen Lane (CR 101D) and Boneyard Road (CR 91) in Santa Fe County, New Mexico
• Resolution No. 2014-72, Adopt Local Government Road Improvement Fund Project No. SP-5-15 (184) for pavement rehabilitation/improvements of Canada Village Road (CR67A) in Santa Fe County, New Mexico
• Resolution No. 2014-73, A budget increase to the GOB Series 2009 Fund (335) in the amount of $28,988 and to the GOB Series 2009 Fund (351) in the amount of $67,312 to budget cash carryover to complete the design of the improvements to Torcido Loop for a total increase of $96,300
• Resolution No. 2014-74, Increase to the Capital Projects, Federal Fund (305) to budget for a cooperative agreement made with the US Department of Interior, US Geological Survey for Acquisition and Processing of Light Detection and Ranging Data (LiDAR)/$100,000
• Resolution No. 2014-75, A budget increase to the GOB Series 2009 Fund (335)/$8,162 and the GOB Series 2011 Fund (339)/$21,838 to budget available cash for the South Regional Station/Town of Edgewood Station/total increase of $30,000

• Authorization to reprogram, per Capital Outlay Policy, $395,137.19 in 2012 Road General Obligation Bond Funds from County Road 105 improvement to County Road 89C improvement
• Approval of direct purchase of Service Vendor Agreement, Nutrition Service Incentive Program (NSIP) Agreement, certification regarding Debarment, Suspension, and other responsibility matters, assurances, certification regarding lobbying; resolution authorization; and letter of commitment
• Approval of County Health Care Assistance Claims in the amount of $23,179.04

(End Of Consent Agenda)

Item pulled from Consent Agenda for discussion:
• Resolution No. 2014-76, Amending Resolution No. 2012-147 to broaden the expenditures authorized for Aamodt Settlement Implementation, passed 3-1 (Commissioner Mayfield voting against)

Action Items (Public Comment)
• Resolution No. 2014-78, Naming the new community center located at 16B Avenida Torreon In Eldorado in honor of former New Mexico State Representative Max Coll, passed by unanimous vote 4-0
• Resolution No. 2014-79, Adopting projects for inclusion in Santa Fe County’s Infrastructure Capital Improvements Plan for Fiscal Years 2016-2020, passed by unanimous vote 3-0 (Commissioner Holian was not present for vote)
• Resolution No. 2014-80, Adopting the Santa Fe County Fleet Management Policy, passed by unanimous vote 4-0, with conditions
• Resolution No. 2014-82, Requesting an increase to the Capital Projects- Federal Appropriation Fund (305) to budget an amendment to a grant awarded to construct a bike, pedestrian trail in Santa Fe County/$497,200, passed by unanimous vote 4-0, with conditions
• Resolution No. 2014-81, Requesting an increase to the State Special Appropriations Fund (318) to budget (3) grants awarded for improvements to the Edgewood Senior Center in the amount of $100,000, and the Rio En Medio Senior Center in the amount of $25,000, and for equipment for the Women’s Health Facility in the amount of $230,000 for a total increase of $355,000, passed by unanimous vote 3-0 (Commissioner Holian was not present for vote)
• Resolution No. 2014-83, Requesting an increase to the Road Projects Fund (311) in the Amount of $212,737.93 and an increase to the Capital Outlay GRT Fund (313) in the amount of $5,115 to budget funds to improve various county roads in Santa Fe County, passed by unanimous vote 4-0
• Resolution No. 2014-84, Requesting an increase to the GOB Series 2009 Fund (335) in the amount of $141,566 and the GOB Series 2011 Fund (339) in the amount of $334,842 to perform assessments, testing, and for acquisitions to acquire water systems in Santa Fe County/$476,408, passed by unanimous vote 4-0
• Resolution No. 2014-85, Requesting an increase to the GOB Series 2009 Fund (335) in the amount of $4,799, an increase to the GOB Series 2011 Fund (339) in the amount of $826,518, and an increase to Capital Outlay GRT Fund (313) in the amount of $421,838 for the renovations, additions, and new construction of Hondo Station #1 and the Glorieta Fire Station, passed by unanimous vote 4-0
• Resolution No. 2014-86, Requesting an increase to the GOB Series 2011 Fund (339) in the amount of $193,498 for a Master Plan of the Jacona Transfer Station Site/$193,498, passed by unanimous vote 4-0
• Resolution No. 2014-77, Supporting a measure by the City of Santa Fe to place the question on the General Election Ballot for consideration by city voters whether the penalty for possession of one ounce or less of marijuana should be reduced, passed by unanimous vote 4-0
• Approval of a lease with the Jacona Land Grant, passed by unanimous vote 4-0
• Approval of Solid Waste Task Force recommendations for new permits and expanded mandatory recycling - sections 1.1, 1.2 and 1.4, passed by unanimous vote 4-0. Section 1.7 was approved 3-1 (Commissioner Mayfield voting against)
• Presentation of and request for approval of Water Policy Advisory Committee recommendations on regionalization, passed by unanimous vote 4-0
• Authorization for the County Manager to sign purchasing documents for the completion of the 2014 Santa Fe County Terrain Mapping and Orthophotography Project, passed by unanimous vote 4-0
• Approval of Agreement No. 2014-0311-PW/MS with Mountain States Constructors, Inc. for the construction of roadway improvements for Herrada Road in the amount of $1,205,496.26 exclusive of GRT and request County Manager signature authority on the purchase order, passed by unanimous vote 4-0
• Approval of Agreement No. 2014-0088-OS/PL with A.A.C. Construction, LLC for the construction services of the Santa Fe Rail Trail segments 2&3 in the amount of $1,074,966.80 exclusive of GRT and request County Manager signature authority on the purchase order, passed by unanimous vote 4-0
• Authorization to Publish Title and General Summary of an Ordinance entitled “An Emergency Interim Development Ordinance Imposing a Twelve Month Moratorium on Development Approvals or the Issuance of Development Permits for Specified Developments of Countywide Impact”, passed by unanimous vote 4-0
• Authorization to Publish Title And General Summary of an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1998-16 (an Ordinance establishing provisions for extension of sewer service; adopting operating and management procedures; setting rates; and establishing design standards for the Santa Fe County Wastewater Utility) to update the service rates and charges and service area, passed by unanimous vote 4-0
• Authorization to Publish Title & General Summary of an Ordinance amending and restating Ordinance 2010-12 as amended, an Ordinance enacting a Santa Fe County Code of Conduct; and repealing Ordinance No. 2011-9, passed by unanimous vote 3-0 (Commissioner Holian was not present at vote)

Discussion/Information Items/Presentations
• Presentation and update on mission and vision statement for the Open Space and Trails Strategic Plan was postponed to be heard at the September 9, 2014 meeting
• Presentation on proposed Development Review Fee Ordinance was deferred to a future meeting

Matters From The County Manager
• Miscellaneous Updates
• Santa Fe Community College request
• Legislative Update

Matters From County Attorney
Executive Session
• Discussion of pending or threatened litigation
• Discussion of the purchase, acquisition or disposal of real property or water rights
• Discussions preliminary to collective bargaining negotiations

Information Items provided to the Board for the Record
• Growth Management monthly report
• Public Safety monthly report
• Public Works monthly report
• Human Resources monthly report
• Administrative Services monthly report
• Community Services monthly report
• Financial report for the month ending July 31, 2014

The BCC Packet is available online by clicking the BCC meeting event on the Events calendar or visiting the BCC committee page All approved Ordinances and Resolutions are available on the County website at once they are approved and recorded. All BCC meetings are broadcast live at, on Comcast Ch. 28 and on Que Suave AM 810. To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, visit Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at, once approved.