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August 30 BCC Meeting Summary

August 30 BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe – August 31, 2011 – Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC) all five Commissioners were present.

Approval of Minutes:

The Board approved the July 26, 2011 Board of County Commissioners meeting minutes

Matters from the Ethics Board:

The BCC approved the publication of title and general summary of an Ordinance amending Ordinance 2010-12, Enacting a Santa Fe County Code of Conduct and Repealing Ordinance 2004-3

Special Presentations:

Russ Rountree of Impressions Advertising Inc. provided an update to the BCC regarding annual advertising and promotional efforts

Matters from the Commission:

The BCC acknowledged and recognized Santa Fe County Volunteer Firefighters who successfully completed the December 2010 and July 2011 volunteer academies

Resolution 2011-132 was approved, directing staff to intervene in New Mexico Public Regulation Commission Case #11-002650UT (The Public Service Company of New Mexico's Renewable Energy Portfolio Procurement Plan)

 Paul Olafson, Santa Fe County Public Works Projects and Facilities Division provided an update on the Community of La Bajada and the impact of agricultural land use and their community water system

Appointments and Reappointments:

Commissioner Daniel "Danny" Mayfield was appointed as the alternate member to the North Central Regional Transit District (NCRTD)

Consent Calendar:

The Consent Calendar was approved and included 25 items. For a full list of items please visit Three items were removed from the Consent Calendar and approved individually, which included:

Ratification of change directive number 24 and number 8 to the contract between Santa Fe County and Bradbury Stamm Construction, Inc. for construction of the First Judicial Courthouse project in the amount of $76,819 exclusive of gross receipts tax

Authorizing the County Manager to execute documents extending the use of office space located at 5 West Gutierrez Street, Suite 9 (Northern Satellite Office) in an amount not to exceed $5,000

Approval of amendment number 5 to the contract between Santa Fe County and Montgomery & Andrews, P.A. for legal services for the First Judicial Courthouse project in the amount of $50,000 for a total contract amount of $428,000 (Approved 4-1 with Anaya voting against)

Staff and Elected Officials:

Finance Division

Teresa Martinez, Finance Director gave an overview of the monthly financial report for the month ending July 31, 2011. The report is available at

The BCC approved a written order to the Department of Finance (DFA) approving and imposing the 2011 property tax rates for Santa Fe County (passed 3-2 with Anaya and Mayfield voting against)

Community Services

Ron Pacheco, Santa Fe County Senior Services provided and update on the Senior Programs and introduced Senior Services staff

The BCC approved a Memorandum of Agreement between Santa Fe County and the New Mexico Department of Health for Funding the United Way Project Launch Program to allow for payment of program activities in federal fiscal year 2012 in the amount of $733,000

Growth Management

Authorization to publish title and general summary of an ordinance amending Ordinance 2008-13 and its related and authorized project participation agreement between Santa Fe County and Bicycle Technologies International Ltd. was approved

Resolution 2011-134, authorizing a community planning process for Tesuque Village and to establish the Tesuque Valley Planning Committee to amend the Rio Tesuque Community plan adopted by Resolution 2000-165 was approved

Jack Kolkmeyer, Growth Management Department Director, gave an update on the Sustainable Land Development Code. Including an update on the Agriculture Focus Group meeting on September 1, 2011 at 2 p.m. in the Commission Chambers, Affordable Housing Focus Group members and dates for the upcoming Public Input Meetings. For more information visit

Public Works

The second Public Hearing for discussion of Santa Fe County's Infrastructure and Capital Improvement Plan for fiscal years 2013 – 2017 was held and a final presentation will be given to the BCC at the September 13, 2011 meeting

The BCC approved entering into an agreement with Intera Incorporated for environmental services for the First Judicial Courthouse project in the amount of $286,914.62

The BCC approved the request to award contract 2011-0148-CSD/PL to Meridian Contracting Inc. for construction services for the Santa Fe River Trail at El Camino Real Park in the amount of $989,119 exclusive of GRT

Matters from the County Manager

The BCC authorized publish of title and general summary for an ordinance adopting the Santa Fe County Redistricting Plan, amending Ordinance 1989-10, and repealing Ordinance 2001-13, to reassign precincts according to the five commission districts, in accordance with the 2010 United States Census and according to County Redistricting

Erle Wright, Data Integration Administrator provided additional redistricting options based on recommendations from the BCC. The Commission elected to keep five options of the 11 options provided and will seek public input on the remaining options. For additional redistricting information visit

All BCC meetings are broadcast live at, Comcast Channel 28 and on Que Suave AM 810. To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, go to or check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days once approved at