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August 31, 2010 BCC Meeting Summary

August 31, 2010 BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe – September 2, 2010 – Four of the five commissioners were present (Commissioner Stefanics was excused) below is a summary of the meeting:

Special Presentations:

• Sheriff Greg Solano honored three retirees: Martin Rivera, Deputy III, with 21 years and 8 months of service, Ernest Borrego, Patrol Division Commander with 15 years 9 months, and Ben Encinias, Patrol Division Commander with 21 years. He praised their dedication to the County. Two new deputies were congratulated for their recent graduation from the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy: Brian Brandle II and Ronaldo Ulibarri.

• Also recognized upon his retirement was Water Utility Director Doug Sayre. Acting County manager Penny Ellis-Green spoke of his many years of service to the County and his help in establishing the County water system from its inception.

• Larry Martinez, chairman of the Health Policy and Planning Commission (HPPC) recognized Valery Henderson, charter member long-standing participant in the HPPC who is resigning from the commission. He noted she has consistently contributed her expertise in promoting healthy lifestyles and public health overall.

• Pauline Nuñez from the Denver Regional Census Center gave a report of the US Census as it wraps up its 2010 enumeration. She thanked the Commission and the local participants for “helping to paint a new portrait” of the country. Nuñez made a special presentation to the Santa Fe Complete Count Committee for their leadership and participation in the 2010 Census campaign. She presented a plaque and letter to Santa Fe County, Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Santa Fe Public Schools, and the City of Santa Fe.

• The Board of County Commissioners individually honored the members of Santa Fe County’s Complete County Census Committee for their contributions to the effort.

• Representatives from Intera and the Bradbury Stamm Construction briefed the Commission on the progress of the remediation at the Judicial Complex. To date 15,000 gallons of gasoline and 17,500 tons of contaminated soil have been removed from the site. Also, soil vapor extraction units and horizontal wells are in place and a multi-layer Geo-seal liner design has been chosen. Further remediation will continue in the future, including air quality monitoring. Community Services Director Joseph Gutierrez stated building is expected to commence in November.

• Land Use Administrator Jack Kolkmeyer announced that the County Development Review Committee (CDRC) has forwarded the Sustainable Land Use Plan (SLDP) to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) for their review and consideration, along with a matrix of recommendations from staff and the community. Contemplated changes are rewriting the principles in Chapter 1, substantial revision of Chapter 12 (Adequate Public Facilities) and the addition of a glossary. Issues awaiting resolution include the mining ordinance and whether sand and gravel should fall under that purview; fiscal impacts – what new programs and staff are called for and which will be possible; and detailed exposition of the community planning process.

Matters from the Commission:

• Commissioner Anaya asked anyone who would like to contribute to a fund to send County Fair Queen Sarah Zimmerman to the State Fair Queen Competition contact Jennifer Jaramillo at (505) 986-6293.

• In recognition of National Preparedness Month, Emergency Management Director Martin Vigil gave tips for how to be prepared for a disaster. The tips included items like keep emergency supplies on hand, have an action plan ahead of time, be educated on procedures, and get involved with your community. There is a program to acquaint all fourth-graders with emergency procedures, and Asst. Chief Vigil will be appearing at various public events to promote awareness.

• Patricio “Pego” Guerrerortiz, Utilities Director, provided information about the new automated bulk water dispenser that was inaugurated last week. The “Ojo de Agua,” located on State Road 14 (same road to the detention center) will provide water at one cent per gallon to customers lacking other sources of potable water. Interested parties are encouraged to apply at the Public Works facility, 2424 Highway 599 to get a user number, password, and to prepay.

The first public hearing on the Infrastructure and Capital Improvement Plan for 2012 through 2016, prepared for submission to the Department of Finance (DFA) and the legislature was introduced by Community Services. Staff added input to the results of eight community meetings. Last year the focus was on countywide projects. No public comments were offered and the next meeting was scheduled for September 14.

• Passing unanimously was an amendment deleting a previously enacted provision requiring construction management. There was direction to staff to create further amendments.

• The second ordinance considered –County Code of Conduct – was deferred pending the arrival of the new County Manager. Changes contemplated were modifications to provisions regarding meals and gifts, as well as political contributions, to conform to state regulations; simplification of language on prohibited financial interests; formation of an ethics board, contractor to assist with independent initial review; clarification of the ex parte communication standards; and prohibition of interference in personnel or general management functions.

Following executive session, the Commission unanimously voted to approve the County Attorney report directly to the County Manager.

All BCC meetings are broadcast live at To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, go to or check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at once they are approved.