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BCC Summary 9-13-2016

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC). All five Commissioners were present.

The meeting minutes from the July 12, 2016 and July 26, 2016 BCC meeting were passed by unanimous vote 4-0 (Commissioner Anaya was not present for vote).

Matters from the County Attorney
• Threatened or Pending Litigation in which Santa Fe County is or May Become a Participant, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(7) NMSA 1978, Discussion of the Purchase, Acquisition or Disposal of Real Property or Water Rights, as allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(8) NMSA 1978, and Discussion of Competitive Sealed Proposals Solicited Pursuant to the Procurement Code, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(6) NMSA 1978, Including the Following:
o Right of Ways for County Roads.
o Proposal Submitted in Response to RFP #2015-0031-PW, La Bajada Ranch Development.
o Proposals Submitted in Response to RFP #2016-EBP-CM/HR, Employee Benefits for Santa Fe County.
o Bureau of Land Management’s San Pedro Land Management Area.
o Disputes Arising under the Water Resources Agreement with the City of Santa Fe.
o The Board of County Commissioners of the County of Rio Arriba et al. v. The Board of County Commissioners of the County of Santa Fe, State of New Mexico, County of Rio Arriba, First Judicial District, No. D-117-CV-2016-00254.
o State of New Mexico, ex rel. State Engineer, v. Aamodt et al., U.S. District Court, District of New Mexico, No. Civ. 66-06639 WJ/WPL.
• Presentation La Bajada Ranch and RFP #2015-0031-PW, La Bajada Ranch Development.
• Presentation RFP#2016-EBP-CM/HR, Employee Benefits for Santa Fe County.
• Bureau of Land Management’s San Pedro Land Management Area.
No formal action was taken as a result of Closed Executive Session.

Discussion/Information Items/Presentations/Urgent Action Items all items approved under unanimous vote 5-0.
• Resolution No. 2016-87, Proposes a Countywide Advisory Question for the 2016 General Election Concerning the Enactment of a Countywide Gross Receipts Tax for Behavioral Health Services.
• WITHDRAWN: Recommendation to the Governor of Person for Appointment as State Senator for State Senate District 19, per NMSA 1978, § 2-8D-4(B)(2)(a).

• WITHDRAWN: Recognition and Acknowledgment of the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Posse and Members of the Sheriff’s Posse Board and Resolution No. 2016-64.
• New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions Disabled Veteran Outreach Program.
• A Proclamation Proclaiming the Week of September 19 – 26, 2016, as Septic Smart Week, approved by unanimous vote 5-0.
• A Proclamation Proclaiming September 15 through October 15, 2016, as Hispanic Heritage Month, approved by unanimous vote 5-0.
• A Proclamation Acknowledging Behavioral Health Needs for the Hispanic and Latino Community, approved by unanimous vote 5-0.

Consent Agenda (Action Item) all items approved under unanimous vote 5-0.
• Authorized the Use of $149,000 in District 2 Capital Funds for Capital Improvements.
• Amendment No. 3 to Lease Agreement No. 2010-0066-CSD/VO between Santa Fe County and Esperanza Shelter for Battered Families, Inc. for the Lease of Office Space Located at 3130 Rufina Street in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Authorization for Amendment No. 3 to be submitted to the State Board of Finance for Approval.
• Amendment No. 2 to Lease Agreement No. 2010-0165-CSD/VO between Santa Fe County and Santa Fe Recovery Center, Inc. for the Lease of Office Space and Property Located at 4100 Lucia Lane in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Authorization for Amendment No. 2 to be Submitted to the State Board of Finance for Approval.
• Amendment No. 4 to Lease Agreement No. 2010-0447-CSD/PL between Santa Fe County and Santa Fe Mountain Center, Inc. for the Lease of Office Space and Property Located at 1160 Parkway Drive in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Authorization for Amendment No. 4 to be Submitted to the State Board of Finance for Approval.
• Purchase Two (2) Tandem Dump Trucks with Snow Removal Equipment in the Amount of $420,695.40 Utilizing the Houston Galveston Area Council Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Pursuant to Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2012-5 of the Santa Fe County Purchasing Regulations and Policies and Granting Signature Authority to the County Manager to Sign and Execute the Purchase Order.
• Amendment No. 7 to Engineer Agreement No. 2012-0055-UT/MS between Santa Fe County and Molzen Corbin in the Amount of $49,755, Exclusive of GRT, for the Lamy Junction Waterline Design Project and Authorization for the County Manager to Sign the Related Purchase Order and Execute the Contract Amendment.
• Indefinite Quantity Price Agreement No. 2017-0023-FD/IC between Santa Fe County and ROI Fire and Ballistics Equipment Incorporated for MSA Safety Equipment for the Santa Fe County Fire Department and Authorization for the County Manager to Sign the Related Purchase Orders.
• Amendment No. 2 to Indefinite Quantity Price Agreement No. 2014-0297-B-CORR/IC between Santa Fe County and Bob Barker Company Incorporated for Inmate Clothing, Hygiene, Linen and Mattresses for the Santa Fe County Corrections Department and Authorization for the County Manager to Sign the Related Purchase Orders.
• Memorandum of Agreement between Santa Fe County and the North Central Regional Transit District To Provide For the Contribution of Funding for the Mountain Trail Route.
• Amendment No. 1 to Indefinite Quantity Price Agreement No. 2015-0005-A-PW/PL With San Bar Construction and Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 2015-0005-B-PW/PL With Highway Supply Company, Removing the $250,000 Compensation Threshold, Exclusive of GRT for Road Striping Services and Request Authorization for the County Manager to Sign the Related Purchase Orders.
• Change Order No. 2 in the Amount of $65,251, Exclusive of GRT, to Construction Contract No. 2016-0169-PW/MM between Santa Fe County and A.A.C. Construction for the La Cienega Waterline Extension Project and Authorization for the County Manager to Sign the Related the Purchase Order.
• Amendment No. 1 to Cooperative Agreement No. S100282 between Santa Fe County and the New Mexico Department of Transportation to Extend the Term of the Agreement for Construction of the Santa Fe Rail Trail.
• Change Order No. 5 to Construction Agreement No. 2015-0366-PW/MM Between Santa Fe County and A.A.C. Construction LLC. In the Amount of $13,961.51 Exclusive of GRT For the Vista Redonda Road Improvements and Authorizing the County Manager to Sign the Purchase Order and Execute the Contract Amendment.
• Memorandum of Agreement between Santa Fe County and the City of Santa Fe for Fiscal Year 2017 Funding for the Jointly Operated Santa Fe Film Office.
• Amended Board of County Commissioners’ Committee/Board Membership Matrix through December 31, 2016.

• Resolution 2016-88, Declares the Eligibility and Intent of Santa Fe County to Submit an Application to the New Mexico Department of Transportation for Federal Fiscal Year 2018/2019 Transportation Alternatives Program (“TAP”) and Acknowledging the Availability of County Funds for the 14.56% Local Match and Reimbursable Construction Costs Required by TAP for the Construction of Bike Lanes on Avenida Del Sur.
• Resolution 2016-89, Declares the Eligibility and Intent of Santa Fe County to Submit an Application to the New Mexico Department of Transportation for Federal Fiscal Year 2018/2019 Transportation Alternatives Program (“TAP”) and Acknowledging the Availability of County Funds for the 14.56% Local Match and Reimbursable Construction Costs Required by TAP for Phase IV of the Arroyo Hondo Multi-Use Trail.
• Resolution 2016-90, Declares the Eligibility and Intent of Santa Fe County to Submit an Application to the New Mexico Department of Transportation for Federal Fiscal Year 2018/2019 Transportation Alternatives Program (“TAP”) and Acknowledging the Availability of County Funds for the 14.56% Local Match and Reimbursable Construction Costs Required by the TAP for the Construction of Segment 5 of the Santa Fe Rail Trail.
• Resolution 2016-91, Declares the Eligibility and Intent of Santa Fe County to Submit an Application to the New Mexico Department of Transportation for Federal Fiscal Year 2018/2019 Recreational Trails Program (“RTP”) and Acknowledging the Availability of County Funds for the 14.56% Local Match and Reimbursable Construction Costs Required for the Construction of Segment 5 of the Santa Fe Rail Trail.
• Resolution 2016-92, Adopts Local Government Road Improvement Fund Project No. CAP-5-174(470) for Pavement Rehabilitation Improvements of County Roads Throughout Santa Fe County, New Mexico and Replacing and Superseding Resolution No. 2016-75.
• Resolution 2016-93, Adopts Local Government Road Improvement Fund Project No. SB-7806(103)17 for Pavement Rehabilitation Improvements of County Roads Throughout Santa Fe County, New Mexico and Replacing and Superseding Resolution No. 2016-76.
• Resolution 2016-94, Adopts Local Government Road Improvement Fund Project No. SP-5-17(184) for Pavement Rehabilitation Improvements of County Roads Throughout Santa Fe County, New Mexico and Replacing and Superseding Resolution No. 2016-77
• Resolution 2016-95, A budget Increase to the Fire Operations Fund (244) to Budget the 2017 Youth Conservation Corps Commission (YCC) Award to the Santa Fe County Fire Department / $149,103.
• Resolution 2016-96, A budget Increase to the Federal Forfeiture Fund (225) to Budget Cash Carryover / $ 5,000.
• Resolution 2016 -97, A budget Transfer from the General Fund (101) to the Corrections Operations Fund (247) for Additional Funding for Medical Malpractice Insurance / $134,000.
• Resolution 2016-98, A budget Increase to the Emergency Communications Operations Fund (245) for the Procurement of Consultant Services for the Development and Selection of the Public Safety Land Mobile Radio (PSLMR) System for Santa Fe County and the City of Santa Fe / $200,000.
• Resolution No. 2016-99, A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to the Law Enforcement Operations Fund (246) to Budget Extension Funding Awarded Through the HIDTA Grant Program / $5,659.71.
(End of Consent Agenda)

• William Heimbach was appointed to the Santa Fe County Ethics Board. Approved by unanimous vote, 5-0.
• Presentation and Direction on Santa Fe County’s Brand and Logo Development Project.
• Order Imposing Tax Rates on the Net Taxable Value of Property to Governmental Units within Santa Fe County for the 2016 Tax Year, approved by unanimous vote, 5-0.
• WITHDRAWN Request Approval of a Plan for Submitting One Name to the Governor of the State of New Mexico for the Vacant Senate Seat - District 19.(Item Replaced with Item No. III(C))
• A Water and Waste Water Line Extension, Water Delivery, and Wastewater Discharge Agreement No. 2017-0088-UT/BT for an Extension of Infrastructure and Water Service with Caja Del Rio Holdings, LLC for the Senior Campus at Caja Del Rio Subdivision, approved by unanimous vote, 4-0.
• Memorandum of Understanding Between Santa Fe County and Water Now Alliance Regarding a Feasibility Study and Program Development for Customer-aide Leak, approved by unanimous vote, 4-0.
• Presentation and Possible Non-Final Direction on the Six-Month Review of the Santa Fe County Sustainable Land Development Code (SLDC) and the Permit and Review Fee Ordinance.
Miscellaneous Items were passed by unanimous vote 4-0 (Commissioner Holian was not present for votes).
• Amendment No. 2. For Agreement No. 2015-0307 -FI/MY with HK Advertising, to Extend the Term For One Additional Year and Increase Compensation by an Amount of $298,500 Inclusive of GRT, for a Total Contract Amount of $628,500.00, for Advertising and Promotional Services Related to Santa Fe County’s Lodgers Tax Program and Authorization for the County Manager to Sign the Related Purchase Order.
• Memorandum of Understanding No. 2016-0080-UT/BT between the City of Santa Fe and Santa Fe County for Waste Water and Water Service to the St. Francis South Large Scale Mixed Use Project.
• Memorandum of Agreement No. 2016-0081-UT/BT between the City of Santa Fe and Santa Fe County for Waste Water Service to Tessera – Phase 2.

Matters from the County Manager
• Miscellaneous Updates
• Presentation of the 2016 Albuquerque Journal’s Readers Choice Award, Best Destination – Day Trip (Deferred to a future meeting).

Public Hearings
• Ordinance No. 2016-6, The STAR Cryoelectronics Local Economic Development Act (LEDA) Project Ordinance, approved by unanimous vote, 5-0.
• Ordinance No. 2016 ___, Santa Fe County Animal Control Ordinance: an Ordinance Governing the Duties of Animal Owners, and Others; the Impoundment of Animals; and the Issuance of Permits; Defining Offenses; Establishing Penalties; and Repealing Santa Fe County Ordinance Nos. 1981-7, 1982-7, 1990-8 and 1991-6 and Santa Fe County Resolution No. 1982-28. No Action, First Public Hearing.

Land Use Case
• BCC CASE #MIS 16-5200. Raven’s Rock Café LLC, Beer & Wine License. Ravens Rock Café, LLC, Applicant, Requests Approval for a Restaurant Beer and Wine Liquor License. Approved by unanimous vote 5-0.

Matters of Public Concern
• Espanola/Rio Arriba County E-911 Center

The BCC Packet is available online by clicking the BCC meeting event on the Events calendar or visiting the BCC committee page All approved Ordinances and Resolutions are available on the County website at once they are approved and recorded. All BCC meetings are broadcast live at, on Comcast Ch. 28 and on Que Suave AM 810. To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, visit Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at, once approved.