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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Summary for August 11

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC) in yesterday’s BCC meeting:

  • Mobile Health Care Van: Community Services Director highlighted statistics for the healthcare van, noting average monthly visitors jumped from 223 to 327. The van provides free services such as blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose checks, as well as flu vaccinations. Referrals are also made. The County website calendar advises where the van will be. Chimayo andEdgewood will be visited soon. A new van will be coming in October.
  • Renewable Energy Financing Update: Commissioner Holian announced that details are being worked out by legislators and County staff to implement the solar and renewable energy programs. A brochure is in the works that will lay out possible scenarios for the public. The goal is to create a bond-funded loan pool, which will have favorable interest rates.
  • Bicycle Safety: Responding to complaints from bike riders, a resolution was unanimously [5-0] passed calling for the Public Works Department to adhere to AASHTO guidelines for bicycle-safe paving standards, reducing discontinuities that cause accidents. The resolution also urges the DOT to follow the same guidelines.
  • County Sheriff & City Police: Are sharing a $164,395 federal grant targeting violent crime. The funds will go towards vehicle computers, wireless communication equipment, and transportation to Bureau of Justice conferences. The resolution was unanimously 4-0 approved. (Commissioner Montoya was not present.)
  • Glorieta Estates Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association: A Joint Powers Agreement unanimously [5-0] passed that will upgrade the water system, expand the storage tank, upsize the water line, and install hydrants.
  • Contract Awarded: Sole bidder, Northern New Mexico Emergency Services for provision of medical care to the Adult Detention Facility and the Youth Development Program.
  • Courthouse Update: County Manager Roman Abeyta noted that following meetings with consultants and staff, and with continuing cooperation of New Mexico Environment Department progress continues. He anticipates bringing detailed cost and time estimates along with a plan of action to the first meeting in September.
  • Agua Fria Lot Split: A variance was unanimously [5-0] approved for Helen Romero to allow for a lot split.

All BCC meetings are broadcast live at To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, go to check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at