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Board of County Commissioners Unanimously Approves Living Wage Ordinance

Board of County Commissioners Unanimously Approves Living Wage Ordinance

Santa Fe, NM – February 25, 2014 – The Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved an Ordinance establishing a living wage within Santa Fe County. The Ordinance sets the minimum wage at $10.66 an hour, up from $7.50 an hour. The tipped minimum wage will also increase from the current $2.13 an hour to $6.40 an hour.

The Ordinance will go into effect in 60 days.

“I am excited that workers in the unincorporated areas of the county are on their way to a living wage. I do not believe that $10.66 is the magical number to lift individuals and families out of poverty. However, the wage will assist in buying more food, medicine, shoes, clothes and it will support purchases from local businesses and put more cash into our local economy," said Commissioner Liz Stefanics. She continued, “Thanks to the entire BCC and the Living Wage Committee!”

A copy of the recorded Ordinance can also be viewed or downloaded at