News and Articles


Buckman Direct Diversion Board Seeks Volunteer Citizen Member and Alternate Citizen Member

Buckman Direct Diversion Board Seeks Volunteer Citizen Member and Alternate Citizen Member


Santa Fe, NM- The Buckman Direct Diversion Board (“Board”) is seeking interested Santa Fe community members to serve on the Board. 

The Board is a Joint Powers Act entity consisting of the City of Santa Fe and Santa Fe County and oversees the Buckman Direct Diversion (BDD).  The Buckman Direct Diversion is a water supply project co-owned by the City and County.  The BDD diverts Rio Grande surface water to supply drinking water to the City of Santa Fe and Santa Fe County.  Las Campanas serves as a limited partner and receives raw water for irrigation of its facilities.  The BDD Project was completed in 2010 and has been operational since 2011.  The Board consists of five members: two City councilors, two County Commissioners and one citizen member.

The Board meets once per month, most usually on the first Thursday of the month.  Additional special meetings may occur.  The meetings typically start at 4:00 p.m.

The Board seeks applicants for the citizen member position and for the alternate citizen member position.  The alternate may participate in meetings but does not vote unless the citizen member is absent.  The position is a volunteer, unpaid position.

An application may be found on the Buckman Direct Diversion website at

or contact Bernardine Padilla at 505-955-4519,, or Vicki Erhart at 505-955-4512 for a copy of the application.  


Applications must be received by Friday, December 18, 2015.