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Burn Restrictions Extended in Santa Fe County

A emergency ordinance declaring hazardous fire conditions and imposing restrictions on open fires, smoking and other ignition sources has been extended for an additional 30 days.
Since March 25th, fires totaling approximately 56 acres; have burned 1 structure, 1 accessory building and miscellaneous property such as boats and vehicles. Santa Fe County Wildland Fire Captain Greg Gallegos states, “Projected weather for the next month presents high winds, low precipitation and extreme fire behavior. We cannot emphasize how important it is for residents to use caution during this dry weather season.”

Ordinance 2011-2 Prohibits:
• Campfires
• Open fires of any kind
• Open burning of vegetation or rubbish
• Smoking within a County park, campground or any wild land area, except within an enclosed vehicle or in a building which is specifically authorized for such and is exempt from the New Mexico No Smoking in Public Facilities Act
• Littering on public roadways/areas with ignited smoking materials
• Use of off-road vehicles, motor bikes, or other motorized apparatus within County parks, campgrounds and wild land areas
• The issuance of licenses or permits for open burning

“With continued low precipitation levels, very high fire danger levels and high winds the threat of wildland fire continues. We ask that all County residents use due diligence to prevent a wildland fire in their communities. We all need to do our part in preventing loss of life or property.” said Interim Fire Chief David Sperling.
For more information, contact the Santa Fe County Fire Prevention Division, (505) 995-6523 or visit