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Cab Ride Home Well Utilized on Super Bowl Sunday

 Super Bowl fans enjoyed the big game and then enjoyed a Cab Ride Home after the exciting conclusion. In total 55 people took 37 cab rides instead of driving on Super Bowl Sunday.
“We are pleased that when faced with the question Drink or Drive on Super Bowl Sunday members of our community did not do both. Drunk driving is completely preventable and the Cab Ride Home program is a very simple way for people to keep themselves safe,” said Lupe Sanchez, DWI Program Coordinator. He continued, “Remember to Think SaFe because after your second DWI arrest you could lose your car and it could be sold at auction.”

The $5 Cab Ride Home program normally runs on Friday and Saturday nights from 5:30 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. and on certain holidays. For a ride home from a bar or party where alcohol is served dial 505-438-0000.

For more information, contact:
Peter Olson, Santa Fe County DWI Program
Phone: o. (505) 992-9844 c. 629-9278