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Camino de Jacobo Community Landscape

Camino de Jacobo Community Landscape

Santa Fe –July 12, 2010 – Santa Fe County signed a contract with Sites Southwest for landscaping design for the Camino de Jacobo public housing site.

“This landscape will be a new type of project that will link the community to its landscape. The idea was to integrate beauty, edible plants, and gathering places for adults and children,” said Commissioner Kathy Holian. She continued, “We believe that this will be a model for a new way to bring people and their environment together, the landscape will provide fresh, healthy fruits and vegetables.”

Last year, the Camino de Jacobo community came together to paint a mural on a long concrete block wall that bounds one side of the site. “The beautiful mural, which is now nearly finished, depicts many different sides of local culture,” said Commissioner Virginia Vigil who represents this area, "Just as they did with the mural, residents will work together on their communal "yard" planning and planting it. When it is finished, it will be a gathering place that invites people to step outside their homes to relax and talk with their neighbors."

Michelle Hoffman, a resident of Camino de Jacobo and a commissioner on the Santa Fe County Housing Board, said she is very excited about the possibilities of the project, "When I moved into public housing over three years ago, I dreamt of being a part of the creation of a sustainable landscape here at Camino de Jacobo. Little did I know this dream would finally come to fruition. Needless to say, I am ecstatic at the possibility of what lies ahead for us and am appreciative of the efforts of all those who made this possible!"

One of the priorities of the project is to use advanced water harvesting techniques. The intention is to water as much of the landscaping as possible, if not all of it with captured rainwater. Commissioner Kathy Holian, a member of the selection committee that chose the landscape architect firm, said, "One of our requirements is that the water harvesting be completely passive, so very little maintenance of the system will be necessary. This will also be far more economical in the long run."

The County started the process last year by issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the landscaping architecture design for the Camino de Jacobo site. Eight companies bid on the project. After developing a list of criteria, the selection committee asked each of the three finalists to make an oral presentation of their vision.

Sites Southwest will be hosting meetings at the Camino de Jacobo site. The meetings will show the residents their outline of possibilities and then bring residents into the decision-making process.