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CDC Says 9.8 Million H1N1 Doses Available for States

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) held the first of their two weekly H1N1 briefings yesterday and announced that 9.8 million doses of the H1N1 vaccine were now available and 5.8 million doses of the H1N1 vaccine had been ordered by the states as of yesterday, and orders continue to flow in. About half of the H1N1 vaccine available is the injectable form, while the rest is in the nasal spray form.

Dr. Schuchat, who is heading the CDC's flu response, also reported at the briefing about a study of about 1400 adults and 539 children who were hospitalized after contracting the H1N1 flu showed that the majority had an underlying condition. Of the 1400 adults hospitalized, the most common underlying conditions were asthma and chronic lung disease, diabetes, chronic heart disease, immuno-suppression.

Of the more than 500 children hospitalized, the most common underlying conditions were asthma and chronic lung disease, neurological and neuromuscular disorders, and sickle cell and other blood diseases. The data come from 10 states participating in an Emerging Infection Program network.

Dr. Schuchat said the H1N1 flu is widespread in most states and is the most common flu virus currently found in communities throughout the country. Dr. Schuchat also stressed that while people with underlying conditions are more likely to be hospitalized, the H1N1 virus presents a serious risk to individuals with no underlying conditions as well.

The CDC will hold its next H1N1 vaccine briefing this Friday, October 16. The briefing may be viewed at