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Change Your Reality Youth Conference is Now Accepting Applications

Change Your Reality Youth Conference is Now Accepting Applications

Santa Fe, NM – May 24, 2011 - Santa Fe County will host the third annual Change Your Reality Youth Conference on June 22 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Santa Maria De La Paz Catholic Community Hall. This conference is completely FREE and is designed to empower and educate youth to make healthy choices. The conference is open to the first 300 youth participants ages 9-13 living in Santa Fe, Rio Arriba or Torrance County the deadline to register is June 10, 2011.

Workshops topics will include DWI prevention, suicide prevention, domestic violence prevention, internet safety and keynote speaker Miguel Santistevan will be speaking about the importance of Going Green. There will be entertainment from the local break dance group Jarambe, an obstacle course provided by the New Mexico National Guard, a fire safety demonstration provided by the Santa Fe County Fire Department, a laptop and iPod give away along with many other events.

“The primary goal of the conference is to engage, empower and educate youth to become connected and involved in their communities and to make healthy life choices, we want to let our youth know they have positive adult role models to look up to within the community,” said Christina Gomez, Santa Fe County DWI Prevention Specialist.

For more information or for a registration form visit and click on Change Your Reality Conference located under Hot Topics. Registration deadline is June 10, 2011.