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City, County Launch Joint Regional Film Office

Office will help coordinate wide array of ongoing efforts, launch new initiatives to continue growth in record-setting industry

Santa Fe, NM –The City of Santa Fe and Santa Fe County announced today the creation of a regional Santa Fe Film Office, a joint effort to grow and support film, television and digital media production and related activities. 

Working closely with the established film community in Santa Fe, including County and City Economic Development, the Mayor’s Advisory Commission on Film and Digital Media, local unions and crew, and existing film studios and schools, the office will manage the continued growth of film and television productions; expand, grow and unify existing support services; support local filmmakers; develop new markets in emerging media; explore educational, employment and local business engagement opportunities; and recruit related enterprises. 

The office will work in coordination to further existing shared County and City economic development goals, including the expansion of high-speed broadband access, affordable housing, birth-to-career programs, transportation infrastructure and more.

It will also promote green filmmaking, with an eye to the City’s commitment to become carbon-neutral by 2040.

Film industry veteran Eric Witt has been hired to launch the office, which will be housed at Santa Fe County. Witt oversaw the development and unprecedented expansion of the state’s film and media production from 2000-2010. During this time New Mexico grew into a world leader and innovator in these fields.

“The film industry is creative, dynamic, innovative and inclusive – it’s a perfect fit for Santa Fe,” said Mayor Javier M. Gonzales. He added, “It’s also a fantastic chance to showcase our community to the world at large.  Santa Fe and New Mexico in general have already built a strong reputation as a growing center for film, television and digital media. Working together through this new film office, with continued input from the Mayor’s Advisory Commission and others, is the key to maximizing the benefits we can see in economic growth and job creation.”

“Santa Fe County has specifically identified the film and digital media industries as places we want to grow in the coming years,” said Santa Fe County Commission Chair Miguel Chavez.  “It fits our asset-base, our infrastructure development plans and other land use targets, and it provides an increasing source of revenue and employment in the region.  Our goal is to continue to support and growth of these efforts, which offer tremendous opportunity and pride for our citizens.”

This summer there are already half a dozen productions on the ground and shooting in Santa Fe, setting a record-breaking pace for 2016, and City and County officials anticipate more than $100 million in production spending in the region this year.

A dedicated film office, with full cooperation from the City and County, is the key to ensuring sustainability and long-term continued growth for this industry.

“The Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce is very supportive of this effort,” said Simon Brackley, the Chamber’s President and CEO. “A typical production uses over one hundred vendors for goods and services ranging from paint and lumber to security, dentistry, babysitting, office supplies and everything in between.  Of course it has been a tremendous boost to our hospitality industries, but it’s also proven to be a great boon to the economy across the board particularly while other sectors continue to lag.”

“As a region Santa Fe contains an incredible range of assets for film, television and digital media production, particularly for its size,” said Witt.  “World-class crew, sound stages, outstanding educational and training institutions, globally-renowned cultural, arts and scientific communities, and a breathtaking setting.  All of the things that make the Santa Fe area so attractive generally, make it attractive to these industries as well.  As these resources exist jointly between the City and the County, it makes sense that they should jointly establish this office.  I’m honored to be a part of this effort.”

The regional Santa Fe Film Office officially commences operation at the beginning of the new fiscal year, July 1, 2016.  Once it has launched it can be reached at