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Commissioner Vigil Urges Immediate Suspension of Landfill Asphalt Project

Environmental Concerns, Public Input Cited

Santa Fe County Commissioner Virginia Vigil has asked the Santa Fe Solid Waste Management Agency (SFSWMA) to suspend progress on operation of a proposed hot mix asphalt plant at the Caja del Rio Landfill. “We need more information about the project and an assessment of the potential environmental and community impact,” said Commissioner Vigil. Vigil has requested the issue be discussed at the November 18 SFSWMA board meeting. The meeting is scheduled to begin at noon (location TBA).

Randall Kippenbrock, Executive Director of SFSWMA, has been in contact with representatives from the City of Santa Fe and County to discuss the matter. “The project was reviewed and given a permit by the state Environment Department,” Kippenbrock said “But if there is new information or the community feels threatened, we need to address those concerns immediately.”

The Caja del Rio Landfill commenced operation in 1997. In 2006, the SFSWMA entered a construction contract with Del Hur Industries of Port Angeles, WA to blast and remove basalt rock to increase available space for future landfill cells. To keep costs down, Del Hur would the rock into various aggregate products for sale. In 2008, Del Hur entered an agreement with Fisher Sand and Gravel of Placitas, NM to market the aggregate products supplied by Del Hur. The agreement includes a hot mix asphalt plant, operated by Fisher, to utilize the full range of crushed products available for sale.