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Community Input Needed! Schedule a Bike Ride!       

Community Input Needed! Schedule a Bike Ride!               
Help shape the future of bicycling in the Santa Fe area. This is a call for all stakeholders to help update the 2012 Metropolitan Bicycle Master Plan.

The Santa Fe MPO is taking an innovative approach to public engagement as we update the Bicycle Master Plan (BMP)! Come on a bike ride with us on the trails to give us your feedback on what matters most!

Santa Fe MPO staff is scheduling bike rides with locals willing to directly share your experiences, ideas and concerns. We are available Monday – Friday 8PM-4PM.  We are also scheduling one-on-one or small group input meetings at locations that are most comfortable to the public.

The BMP helps the City of Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, the State, and the Pueblo of Tesuque develop new projects, policies and programs around safe bicycle riding in the Santa Fe metro area. This update will also involve transitioning elements of the document from its current format to an online/web-based interactive mapping tool.

When the Metropolitan Bicycle Master Plan 2018 update is completed the new online platform will enable the public, Santa Fe MPO staff, member agency staff, and other stakeholders access via a user friendly online tool with all projects and program recommendations detailed in the plan.

Help us by giving your input on what our metro area needs in order to continue to improve the safety of our bicycle network. Please contact us and we can help identify meaningful ways in which you may contribute to this update. The invitation is open to all Santa Feans interested in more sustainable bicycle transportation in our community.

Contact: Derrick Garcia, MPO Transportation Planner, (505) 955-6716,