News and Articles


Community Invited to Love Your River Event

Santa Fe County, in conjunction with the Santa Fe Watershed Association and the City of Santa Fe is co-sponsoring "Love your River Day.”  The event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, February 14 at Frenchy's Field Barn from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.  The community is invited to join the Santa Fe River Stewards and learn more about the stewardship the Santa FeRiver.  This annual event is an opportunity for the Santa Fe River Stewards in the Adopt-the-River program to come together for an all-river clean up before the spring flows begin.  Hot beverages and snacks will be served before and after the event.
For more information, please contact Scott Kaseman with the County’s Open Space and Trails Program, at 992-9887 or via email at