News and Articles

Construction Begins on Bonanza Creek Road
Santa Fe, NM— Effective August 19, 2024, a contractor for the Santa Fe County Public Works Department began roadwork as part of the County's revitalization project. This summer, four county roads will undergo improvements: CR-45 Bonanza Creek Road, Fin Del Sendero, Camino De Jacobo, and Camino Lisa. These projects, or portions thereof, span all five Commission Districts.
The work will involve reconstructing roadway surfaces, repaving, and adding additional safety features in some locations. Construction has successfully started on CR-45 Bonanza Creek Road in County Commission District 5. Improvements on this road will include cold milling, reclaiming the existing surface, applying a base course, and laying new pavement over approximately 8,000 feet.
To ensure safety, temporary lane closures will be implemented, allowing traffic to proceed through work zones. Motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists should expect minor delays and plan for extra travel time when navigating work zones and detours.
Updates on scheduled improvements and project details will be communicated as the work progresses.
For more information, please contact Lawrence Imprescia, Project Manager 3, at (505) 992-3046 or