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County Challenges Community to Go Green

Santa Fe County Commissioner Virginia Vigil is encouraging residents to participate in two challenges designed to save the environment.  “Living more eco-friendly and conscious of the impact we make on the planet everyday begins with little habits” said Commissioner Vigil, “The devil is literally in the details.”

Challenge 1:
  Change the World, Start with ENERGY STAR – f
ormerly known as the Change a Light Campaign, this year Santa Fe County employees will collect pledges from County employees and residents to not only change a light in their home to an energy-efficient one, but to also choose among a variety of other actions they can take to help save energy (such as power managing computers, choosing ENERGY STAR appliances, or properly programming their thermostats). On average, each ENERGY STAR qualified CFL can prevent more than 400 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions and save about $40 over its lifetime.  Residents can sign up for the challenge at

Challenge 2:Drive Smarter Challenge –County employees will be educating themselves on how to reduce gasoline use by keeping their cars in good working order, driving less, and driving more fuel efficiently. The Energy Information Administration estimates in 2008 that the average US household will spend about $3,400 on gasoline.  Residents can join Santa Fe County in driving smarter by signing up at