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County Commission Expresses Importance of County Manager Position

County Commission Expresses Importance of County Manager Position

The Board of County Commissioners (BCC) is in the process of reviewing applications and interviewing applicants for the position of Santa Fe County Manager. We feel it is important to outline some of the primary duties of the County Manger and communicate the importance of finding a new Manager. The County Manager is crucial to the success of the County and oversees all major functions. The position reports directly to the BCC and is responsible for implementing the policy initiatives voted on by the Board. The Manager is responsible for the operation of all departments, divisions, and staff, which includes approximately 900 employees.
County residents rely on daily services including fire protection, law enforcement, road improvement and maintenance, and other services. Additionally, the County's policies and procedures continually evolve and staff must respond quickly to changing demands and regulations, for example the ongoing rewrite of the new Sustainable Land Development Plan (SLDP). New initiatives, such as the Renewable Energy Financing District, are becoming increasingly important to the people of the County and must be incorporated accordingly. The importance of a good working relationship between the Manager and the Commissioners cannot be overemphasized. It is vital that the County Manager is someone all County Commissioners can work with and place their trust in.
It is critical as the Commission that we find a Manager who will work and communicate well with all individuals in Santa Fe County, essentially acting as the liaison between the Board, staff, and constituents. To that end, we have made exceptional communication skills a primary requirement for the position, paired with extensive experience in public administration and local government, and thorough knowledge of our community. We want the new County Manager to have the full support of the BCC, insuring that the best, most qualified people serve as Santa Fe County staff. Service is our fundamental commitment to the citizens of Santa Fe County. There are too many critical issues facing the County in these perilous economic times. In the arena of policy decisions, as opposed to the mechanics of managing County staff, it is entirely appropriate for the Commissioners to work with the community on setting priorities for ongoing services and for initiating new projects and policies.
We would like to emphasize the appointment of the Manager is the responsibility of the Board, and the Board is ultimately responsible to the citizens of Santa Fe County through the election process. This is a decision the BCC cannot pass on to the community. It is up to the Commissioners to face this responsibility and to do so in an expeditious manner. We feel it is the responsibility of the Board to implement these priorities and we alone should make the choice as to who will oversee the day- to-day County operations and facilitate new initiatives. Please be assured we will make a decision based solely on the qualifications of the candidates for County Manager, we will appoint the best possible individual to this very important position, and we will do so in a timely manner.
We would like to thank the residents and staff of Santa Fe County for their support and patience during this process.

Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners