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County Commissioner Leads Statewide County Organization; Announces New Leadership

Santa Fe County Commissioner Mike Anaya, who also serves as President of the New Mexico Association of Counties (NMAC), announces new leadership for New Mexico’s counties.  New officers have been elected for the 2008-2009 NMAC Board of Directors. The new leadership assumed their responsibilities at the conclusion of the NMAC Annual Conference, June 20, 2008.

Commissioner Anaya took over as President in November 2007 when former President Rick Silva was appointed Property Tax Director for the New Mexico Taxation & Revenue Department.  President Anaya also stated that one of his many initiatives as President is to have every county employee in the state trained in CPR.  “Making New Mexico’s counties strong, that’s my mission” said Commissioner Anaya “We face common challenges and opportunities from Santa Fe to Sandoval, Lincoln to Lea.  We are stronger when we work together.”

In addition to serving as President on the NMAC Board of Directors, Anaya also serves as the National Association of Counties (NACo) Subcommittee Chair to the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Steering Committee and was appointed by NACo President Eric Coleman to serve in the NACo Credential’s Committee, a very prestigious appointment for New Mexico.

Commissioner Anaya has been a passionate advocate and active in voicing his concerns with Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT), Secure Rural School Issues, and the Farm Bill, which are all major sources of funding for New Mexico counties.

The NMAC Board of Directors also elected representatives to serve on the National Association of Counties Board of Directors and Western Interstate Region (WIR).  Santa Fe County Commissioner Harry Montoya will serve as the NACo Urban Representative for his fourth year.

The New Mexico Association of Counties (NMAC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing and protecting the interests of New Mexico County governments statewide.