News and Articles


County Development Review Committees Need New Members

The Santa Fe County Growth Management Department (Land Use Division) is currently seeking interested residents to serve on the County’s local development review committees:


    §         Agua Fria Development Review Committee

    §         Community College Development Review Committee

    §         La Cienega Development Review Committee

    §         Tesuque Development Review Committee

    §         County Development Review Committee

Committee Members are responsible for attending monthly public hearings where members hear County staff recommendations, project application presentations and testimony from the public, and subsequently make land development related decisions and recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners.  Projects heard by these committees range from variance requests to master plans for large subdivisions.  Interested individuals should submit a letter of interest and resume to Jack Kolkmeyer, Land Use Administrator, at 102 Grant Avenue, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-0276 or jkolkmey@co.santa-fe.nm.uson or before December 28th, 2008.