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County DWI Program Available as a Resource

Once again, the tragic loss of life over the weekend has DWI on the minds and lips of Santa Fe County and the surrounding communities. The Santa Fe County DWI Program sends their deepest sympathies to the families and loved ones scrambling to cope with such a devastating blow. The Santa Fe County DWIprogram exists to prevent moments like this; the work they do every day is focused on making sure tragedies like this never happen again in the County.

The Santa Fe County DWI Program uses funds collected from liquor excise taxes and leverages them to work with law enforcement, the courts, and inside classrooms in an effort to change the culture and convince the community that it is never ok to drink and drive.

The Santa Fe County DWI Program is available for community groups, schools, and parent organizations to provide programming and activities surrounding this vital issue. They are also available to provide information about local community resources or treatment providers for alcohol/substance abuse. Information is available free of charge.

For more information, go to, call (505) 992-9842, or email