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County DWI Program Hosts Youth Conference

On April 23 & 24, the Santa Fe County DWI Program along with many organizations from four surrounding counties will host 300 High School youth at Santa Maria De La Paz Catholic Church for “Change Your Reality” - A Conference Empowering Youth. The purpose of the conference is to connect and engage youth from many different schools with community leaders, teachers, and parents.

Internationally acclaimed motivational story teller D. J. Vanas, and Miguel Santistevan, Northern New Mexico Ecologist will be the keynote speakers. Additionally, there will be several workshops each day, featuring topics such as: Communication, Choices, Brain Development, Financial Literacy, Dream Mapping, Crisis Response, Meth, and Media Literacy.

In addition, several community agencies, local colleges, and youth related entities will be providing information booths for youth to browse.

Both the Santa Fe County Commission and the Santa Fe City Council passed Resolutions supporting this event. Additionally, Commissioners Montoya and Anaya provided a financial contribution. For more information, contact Christina Gomez; 995-9523