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County Hosts Workshops Discussing Oil & Gas Regulation and Growth Management

Santa Fe County invites the community to a “Public Workshop: Community Priorities for Land Use, Oil & Gas, and Future Growth” on July 14-15 at the Hilton Santa Fe, Ortiz Room.  The workshops will focus on the Galisteo Growth Management Area Plan, oil and gas regulations, and updates on the County’s general plan and land development regulations.

The event will include interactive evening participating in small group exercises.

There will be four opportunities to attend, but seating is limited.  Seats can be reserved by calling (505) 986-6279.

Workshop Schedule:

Monday, July 14th, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Monday, July 14th, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Tuesday, July 15th, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Tuesday, July 15th, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm


Brown Bag Lunch Seminars

Monday, July 14th

Noon to 1:00 pm

Jack Kolkmeyer, Director, Santa Fe County Land Use Department

“Growth Management Planning in Santa Fe County”

Tuesday, July 15th

Noon to 1:00 pm

Dr. Robert Freilich, Partner, Miller Barondess

“Impacts of Growth: Tools & Techniques”

Residents are invited to bring their lunch and spend a lunch hour at an informational seminar on growth management planning.



You Are Invited to Attend a Public Workshop for the Galisteo Growth Management Area Plan, Oil & Gas Regulations, General Plan Update and Land Development Regulations Update

Public Workshop:  Community Priorities for Land Use, Oil & Gas and Future Growth

Spend an interactive evening participating in small group exercises.  There are four opportunities to attend, but seating is limited:

·         Monday, July 14th, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
·         Monday, July 14th, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
·         Tuesday, July 15th, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
·         Tuesday, July 15th, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

The workshops will be held at the Hilton Santa Fe, Ortiz Room, 100 Sandoval Street, in Santa Fe.  Reserve your seat by calling (505) 986-6279.

Workshop Agenda

Part 1 - Where Are We Going?  What Are We Doing Here?

Get updated on the Santa Fe County planning process, which includes the Galisteo Growth Management Area Plan, Oil & Gas Regulations, General Plan Update and Land Development Regulations Update.

Part 2 - Create a Community Vision

Define a vision statement and guiding principles for the Galisteo Growth Management Area.

Part 3 - What Areas Should We Protect?  Where Should We Grow?

Using a base map, identify where we should preserve sensitive and significant land.  Identify where growth should and should not occur, as well as appropriate types of growth.

Part 4 - Community Priorities

Using keypads, we’ll identify priorities.  Which environmental features are most important to protect?  What are the best strategies to use?  Learn about the data-based model that prioritizes protection areas and identifies areas that may be able to accommodate development.

Part 5 - What Happens Next?

The Planning Team will incorporate the results of the workshop into a preferred future land use scenario and the draft Galisteo Growth Management Area Plan.  There will be additional opportunities for public input as the planning process continues.  Check the project website for downloads and updates: