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County Manager\‘s \“10 Commandments\” Published in National Leadership Journal

Santa Fe County Manager Roman Abeyta’s “10 Commandments for Success in Local Government” was published in the June issue of Public Managementmagazine.  Public Managementis a monthly publication of the International City/County Management Association.  Founded in 1914, ICMA is a local government leadership and management organization. Its mission is to “create excellence in local governance by advocating and developing the professional management of local government worldwide. In addition to supporting its nearly 9,000 members, ICMA provides publications, data, information, technical assistance, and training and professional development to thousands of city, town, and county experts and other individuals throughout the world.”

The “Commandments” were developed by Abeyta as he moved up the career ladder from Animal Control Officer as an 18 year old to County Manager.  The “Commandments” resulted from reflections made during the storms and successes in his career.  “There were times when I began to question what I was doing and whether I could continue” Abeyta says.  As he looked at his career, where he experienced success and failure, and at the careers of those around him, patterns materialized and principles became clear.  The “Commandments” became the manual for his professional life.  Today, Abeyta has a desire to share the lessons he’s learned “I have a passion to help local government employees everywhere to be successful.”

A link to a copy of the article is below and is reprinted with permission.  It is on page 7 and is under the heading “Inspirations for the Local Government Employee”.